Sunday, June 19, 2011


OK....once again I am sneaking in a post that had nothing to do with weight loss or the gym or a healthier lifestyle. This on is about my Dad....

I have already outlived my Dad. The 26 years since he left us sometimes feels like a millions years ago and other times it feels like yesterday. He loved good food, his corvette, to travel with Mom and his kids......that order could change from day to day......LOL.

Good food was a passion of his. He would ask Mom in the morning what we would be having for dinner before he left for work so he wouldn't have the same thing for lunch. Breakfast could be banana's with heavy cream or milk toast. Dinners had cream sauces, some foods were exotic and none were low in calories. Osso bucco, fettuccine carbonara, shrimp oreganata.....just to name a few. He would put his box Pecan Sandies in his night table for a late night snack. And a trip to Zabar's for him was equal to a kid visiting the North Pole.

He would bring home all different "treats" and would insist you try them. He would say " You have to try this and if you don't like it you can spit it out." He would get kind of annoyed if you did spit it out. You never knew what you were could be some kind of chocolate with a strange filling, tripe (uugghh), or chopped chicken was always a surprise.

As a person who grew up during the depression....his tastes buds made up for the lost time of his youth when there wasn't much variety in what was eaten.

Mention baked clams, white fish or chocolate cracker pudding and his mouth would water. He would try to recreate meals he ate while out at restaurants.

Christmas Eve....the morning would start with a trip to Zabar's, then he would head to the kitchen. Dad did all the cooking for Christmas Eve dinner. He would make an amazing meal and cleaned up as he went along. A large part of the day was spent on the meal that would go on for hours.....sometimes we would end up finishing the meal on Christmas Day because we were so stuffed.

There is so much more I could write about him but for some reason today is all about the food......I don't think he would mind.

I would give my eye teeth to have one more day with him..... and one more meal.....

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