Sunday, June 26, 2011

A Nice Saturday

Many times my week-ends are full of stress for a variety of reasons. Yesterday, was not one of those stressful days .....for the most part anyway.

Jenn and I went to a friends Pampered Chef Party at 11. I was on time which in itself is an accomplishment. (I am working on my punctuality.) The food demo was a chicken made in the deep dish baker in 30 minutes. It tasted great!!! The nice part was the skin does not get hard or crunchy so I have no desire to eat it!!! I also had some grapes. I haven't had grapes in weeks since I am trying to stay away from as much sugar as possible. OMG....the grapes were sweet.....yum!!!

When we got back from the party, I spent some time reading and doing paperwork.

At 4:00, Kathy picked me up in her convertible. OH how I LOVE that car !!!!!We rode up to Chapin to go to Mass. Yes, I went to Mass and the church didn't fall down!!!! Fr. all time favorite priest was saying Mass this week-end and next week-end at Our Lady Of The Lake. The weather was great for the ride. Riding with the top down and feeling the fresh air was wonderful. Father Tim had a really good message and homily. As we were leaving church, I gave him a hug and told him how much I had missed him. The ride home was so relaxing and Kathy and I talked about what Fr. Tim had said.

One of the things that Fr. Tim talked about was the impact we have on each other. How a friendly hello can make a day. A cutting remark can have the opposite effect. He compared it to throwing a rock or pebble in the lake and seeing the rings created by it. That is a good thought for me to focus on this week.

I wish I could feel everyday the way I did for most of Saturday but that's not likely. So instead, I have to grab for those moments of relaxation and be grateful......

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