Sunday, June 19, 2011

Friends Do Try And Help Out

I have been blessed with good friends. There are those that encourage me, those that advise me and those who know the darkest issues I have to deal with.....

They make me clothes that I love, they listen me in to my difficult moments, they encourage me emotionally, and know my passions.

They do not judge me....

I can be hard enough on myself without any additional help.....

They encourage growth....not the physical kind (LOL).....the mental kind......

Last week my boss told me she had something personal she wanted to discuss with me.....I started to get my head I was thinking "what did I do wrong.....did I say something to offend did I screw up?" is that for confidence???

What did she want to tell me???

Jan had noticed in Good Housekeeping that they are having a short story contest and she thought I should give it a try......whew....nothing bad.....she just wanted to encourage me in my writing pursuit.

I haven't attempted much short story fiction writing but I am going to give this a shot. I hope it doesn't become one of those "fiction" stories where everyone can recognize themselves. The nice part is with fiction I can create the story and decide how it will end. I am up to that challenge.

So....the post that started out about my friends ended up being about..... me......well isn't it all about me???

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