Sunday, June 12, 2011

Eating Alligator

My nephews wedding had some very different foods. The rehearsal dinner consisted of two pigs that had been cooked and were sliced right in front of us. It was very good. Jenn passed on the pig once she saw the head was still attached.

At the cocktail hour we had cod cakes, arugula with goat cheese, alligator and a variety of other choices to numerous to mention. I couldn't believe I actually liked the alligator......yes it did taste like chicken.

I passed on any alcohol for 2 reasons.....calories and my recovery time. I didn't need to waste the empty calories on drinks so I stayed with the diet soda and water. I must be getting old.....I used to be able to party and get up the next day....have a bagel and a yoohoo and I was ready to rock and days later I still feel the effects of the alcohol. Knowing I had a long drive home the day after the wedding......the last thing I needed was a headache!!!!

We went out for breakfast one morning and I had a veggie was so fresh it was as if they picked the spinach, peppers and mushrooms right from a garden....yum!!! In fact I couldn't finish it!! My eating wasn't too bad on the trip.....except for a few homemade chocolate chips....I avoided bread, alcohol and the rich desserts. All in all I think I did pretty well for myself!!!

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