Sunday, June 12, 2011

Life Is About Falling Down....Living Is About Getting Back Up

I love that title.....

I have spent a lot of my life falling my mind. It is only now that I focus on picking myself I guess it is only now that I am truly living. Well it might have taken 55 years to get here but it doesn't matter how long it has taken is more important that I have arrived.

The pictures I put on an earlier post have done so much for me.......I know how much I am trying.....seeing those photo's make my efforts more real. I know that I have changed inside but the outside changes have been slow and sometimes painfully slow.

The encouragement and positive feedback from family and friends has helped me to get back up when I thought I couldn't.....

Those photo's will help me stay on track and who knows how I will look the next time I pose for a picture....hhhhmmm.....I wrote that without shuddering.....well with the time to fix the hair, do the make-up and wearing the right outfit.....I might not mind so much......did I say that????

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