Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Dental Floss

This is another one of those entries that Jenn probably wishes I wouldn't post.....

Last Monday, we had corn on the cob. It is early in the season but the corn has been very good and sweet. I know, I know .....corn has a lot of sugar but I couldn't resist. Hey, I can treat myself to a little corn on the cob every once in awhile....I used Brummel and Brown instead of butter get over it.

Anyway, I had 2 delicious ears of corn. Then I felt it....corn stuck between my teeth. OK I will admit first I tried to pry it loose with my fingers. Jenn then "suggested" I use some dental floss. What a mistake!!! I used the floss which also had pieces with fluoride....this made it thicker than normal. Next thing I know the floss has shredded in between my front teeth.....not a lot of it....just enough that you could see strands of blue between my teeth. I spent the next hour with toothpicks, a toothbrush, a mirror and tweezers.....all to no avail. I was starting to think I was going to have to go to work with the blue sh** and yes I said blue sh** in between my front teeth. I looked in the mirror and smiled and ugh....all I could see was that awful blue. Finally, as I was near to tears Jenn brought me some more dental floss minus the fluoride and after a few minutes I was able to get the floss out......

It was one of those OMG moments....I was never so glad to see those little strands of blue.....

I know...I know.....I can find find anything to stress out about.....but how many people do you know who get dental floss stuck in their teeth......

I need to find something to focus on that doesn't cause me stress......suggestions anyone???

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