Sunday, June 12, 2011

I Need A Shower

Thursday it was back to working out with Carol. We did climbing, weights, lifts, squats and even squats holding on to a bar, resting on my heels, lifting up my toes and holding that position.....oh did I mention keeping my head and chest up and my shoulders back.

By the time we were done I was dripped sweat everywhere. I was pretty offensive too!!! In fact, I walked in the house and headed straight for the shower. I have come out of the gym sweating before but nothing like this.....I even felt sorry for Jenn having to ride home with me.

The workout was great and I cannot tell you the sense of accomplishment I feel when I leave the gym after that kind of workout. I am exhausted but feel the adrenaline flowing through my body. I may be dragging on the way out but on the inside there is a spring to my step.

Sweating never felt so good. In my head, I did one of those sideways kicks in the air. In my heart, I did a little leap too.....

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