Sunday, June 26, 2011

Hey Guess What I am Down At The Scale....

I decided it was time to weigh myself. I was supposed to do it on 6/15 but decided to give myself some extra time. I only weighed myself 4 times this morning. That is a big change for me......usually I weigh myself 8 times. I was nervous.....I hadn't been on the scale for several weeks. I am trying the eat when you are hungry approach. I am also not forcing myself to eat what Bob eats. I don't know why I felt I had to eat the same things he does. Not any more!!! I am eating smaller quantities, too. Jenn and I both feel good about the choices we are making each day.

For breakfast it is either oatmeal with Brummel and Brown or an extreme wheat flat bread with low fat cream cheese. I use the WW kind of cream cheese because it is already measured out so there is not much chance of overdoing it. Lunches have been a lot of salads......I love salads. I change the ingredients in them daily.....sometimes lean ham, sometimes tuna, feta or blue cheese, mushrooms or olives.....and the choices go on and on. By dinner I kind of assess how I I ravenous or just a little hungry......I may go for a PB & J or a chicken breast and some spinach. I have allowed myself a sugar free vitatop or few teaspoons of sugar free ice cream to handle the sweets cravings......popcorn with nacho cheese popcorn seasoning takes care of the salty cravings.

I feel better not having the stress of the weekly weigh-in .....for now. Let's see how it goes......I would like to lose a little more a little faster but if this takes the stress off of me then maybe it is the way to go......

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