Sunday, January 29, 2012

Running in Water

I did my jogging in the pool today. I wish there was a way to measure my distance. I know I run for 40-45 minutes but am not sure how far I am going. I wish I could have something to look at while I jog......something scenic......or listen to music to pass the time. I try to run not looking at the clock like a game trying to guess how long I have been running. When I feel like I need a break I run backwards back and forth across the pool.....I like the way that feels. The hard part is getting out of the pool and getting back to where gravity kicks in and my knee aches. I love running in the pool and feel like I could run forever. This is no pain in the pool and my endurance in the water is great.

I don't know if my knee will ever be pain free on dry land. My asthma doesn't seem to bother me in the pool. I am still getting in the cardio that I know I need which means it is a win, win, win for me. Yeah!!!!

If they ever have a in the pool marathon them I'm your girl.....where do I sign up??

Super Bowl Week.....

One week until the big week before my beloved Giants face one of their arch enemies the New England Patriots.

First, let me say in all honesty....OK here goes......I never expected the Giants to be in the big game this year. Their regular season record was not so hot. But once they got to the end of the season they just took off. Each week I had to listen to sportscaster after sportscaster praise the other team and say the Giants would lose. And each week the Giants......would win. (I can't help but think Mom and Dad had a hand in this since they were huge Giants fans and well when Eli threw that "Hail Mary" pass a few weeks ago......well you know).

Anyway.....Super Bowl Sunday is also a big eating event....right?? I have to start to plan now so I don't totally screw up my healthy eating plan. I will make sure there are plenty of veggies within reach. I will save my bonus points for game day. I will work extra hard at the gym and may try to squeeze in a Friday work out to earn some extra activity points. At least I am thinking about it .....not like before when I would charge in head first and regret my choices later.

I wish I could say I will be sporting some Giants gear but I thought about it too late to order it on the Internet and I don't know why I am surprised but I couldn't find a Super Bowl shirt any where in a 50 mile radius of Columbia, SC. One store told me they do not sell NFL gear and another said they had Carolina Panthers shirts......are they in the damn Super Bowl????

OK........good food choices, hopefully some good commercials and a great game......sounds like a plan.

Mom and Dad.....I would appreciate you being on the field in Indy next Sunday....rooting on your team.

Game on......

Someday you can call me Tutu....

Yesterday I needed to get out of the house. There was a lot of stress in the air and I had to get away from it. Jenn remembered we had two free movie coupons so off we went. We decided to see "The Descendants". How can 2 hours of looking at George Clooney be a waste of time?? We also passed the refreshment stand without making a purchase.....saved money and calories.

It was as if my Mom had picked the movie out for me. It was filmed in Hawaii. The music was all Hawaiian. The Hawaiians in the movie looked like my mother's relatives. The story was about a family dealing with an impending death and the passing of a wife and a Mom. There were Hawaiian phrases used throughout the movie.....words I had heard Mom use on occasion as she told us about her family.

When George Clooney said to his daughters they had to go tell Tutu what was going to happen......I almost jumped out of my seat. Tutu is Hawaiian for Grandmother.

Years ago Mom and I had gotten into a conversation about what kids call their Jenn and her cousins my parents were Nannie and Pop. I like that more than the traditional Grandma and Grandpa. I told my Mom I wanted to be called Nonna......which means Grandmother in Italian. She suggested Tutu.....I laughed and said not a chance. When she said it I could only think of the ballerina's costume.

A few years later my sister was becoming a grandmother for the first time. My Mom in conversation told her she had heard the Nonna was Italian for grandmother and she thought that would be nice. When my sister told me what she had decided to have her grandchild call her at Mom's suggestion.....I was pretty pissed off. I had always wanted to be Nonna....

Not that I needed to worry about this right now.....but if you know me well you know I plan way way ahead of time.

I felt like Mom was talking to me all through the a scene that really hit me George Clooney says to his cousins that they may all be "haole" (which means Caucasian) but they have Hawaiian blood running through me.

Last night, I added a Hawaiian word and name app to my iPhone. I want to explore that language the way I am trying to learn to speak Italian.

But here is what I decided after seeing the movie......someday when I am a grandmother I will be called honor of my Mom......I am sure people will wonder what kind of name is that.....but it's OK the person who matters the most will know.


I Have More Yesterdays Than Tomorrow's......

I heard the title of this entry on a show the other day and it just threw me. I don't think I had ever thought about it. I know I am past mid-life because I do not plan on living to be 112 years old. I just never thought of it in terms of days or events. I have had 56 Christmas's, Thanksgivings, New Year's and yes 56 birthdays.

I do believe my efforts the last few years have given me additional time. I need to use the time for good things and not waste my tomorrows and make them into yesterday's of regret.

Somehow I have to accept the cards I have been dealt and learn to live with them. Like the saying goes I have to make lemonade from lemons. Did I plan right to be able to retire someday with Did I start working on improved health in my 30's or 40' Did I appreciate when I could get down on my knee or kneel.....nope. It had been 6 years since my right knee didn't cause me regular pain.......I took the time before it hurt so much it for granted didn't I.

On the good side......I love my job.......95% of the time. I spend more time writing....another plus. I do work out more than I did since high school when we had PE everyday.....and even then I hated it. I have a daughter that amazes me everyday with her confidence, attitude and the way she can make me laugh. I am finally saving up for retirement......better late than never........right. A lot more me time.....very important.

The things I need to to step out on my own and not feel to stop feeling guilty for other peoples lots in to stop carrying the regrets of my past and start looking for happiness in my future.

My tomorrow's may be dwindling down but I believe they will far outshine my yesterday's.....hang in there and see what happens.....

Sunday, January 22, 2012

So Far I Like Weight Watchers Online

I am learning more each day about Weight Watchers Online.....

I was able input the foods I eat regularly and I can just hit the favorites list and the points are deducted automatically from my daily total.

The restaurant guide is super easy. I have a bunch of recipes at the tip of my fingers broken down into categories from special occasions to dietary preference. There are food finds, cuisine choices, all foods point finders and on and on. I can track my activity points.

All in all so far this is a great option for me. I even receive reminders 3 times a day asking if I have tracked my meals. No excuses now.....can't say I forgot.....LOL.

I am still playing with the whole program but I have gotten the foods I usually eat on a daily basis working so the points are deducted.

There are cheat sheets, articles, success stories and shopping lists. All very easy to use. I just have to get in a routine.

Right now I have Weight Watcher Taco Soup cooking in the stove......lunch for this week.....yum!!!!!

OK Donna......let use this app to our advantage. I have all the info right on my excuses.....I am going to work this week to continue getting more comfortable with adding my favorite foods online.

It is amazing how much info I have available to I just have to use it....

Jogging in the Pool

I made it to the gym both days this week-end with Jenn right there to push me. I spent 45 minutes jogging in the pool......nonstop. Talk about cardio, cardio, cardio....

The only problem with the workout........the people who treat the pool at the gym like their private family swim club. They lay on the lounge chairs with their headsets on and ignore their kids who are slashing up a storm. Should I really have to ask a kid to stop splashing 3 times in a few minutes while dad is jamming to some tunes on the pool deck. Can you take a break to tell your kids to knock it off??? Or the parents who sit in the jacuzzi or hot tub and ignore their kids who are jumping off the side of the pool making huge splashes. Give me a break.......

I need a small space in which I can jog......can you please keep your kids under control!!!!

This is a gym not the Happy Acres Country Club.......can I please, please, please get my workout in with out having to dodge swimmies, inner tubes and various other pool toys.......I don't think this is an unreasonable.......

Oh and as far as the couples who take one of the lap lanes to climb all over each on the gym membership and get a room.......

What Would I Do Without Friends.....

In tough times your family is there for you. But to get through each day your friends can make all the difference. Friday night I was lucky enough to meet with some friends who I had worked with in the past. It was so nice to see each of them and share some laughs and memories. These friendship are the things that have sustained me during this rough period.

I like most of us take our friends for granted. They are always around and I just assume they always will be. But looking around the table Friday night felt good to know that I mattered enough for them to take time out of their busy schedules for me.

I have received cards and calls from former co-workers. The kindness and generosity has not gone unnoticed. The cards, the flowers, the gift cards and the collection taken up to give me enough money to buy the wind chimes in which some of my Mom's ashes will be can you put a value on that kind of friendship and love.

Later this year when I sit on my porch and hear the sound of those wind chimes........I will not only be thinking of my mom but of the dear friends who made them possible.

I moved here almost 14 years ago and only knew 2 people. In the last few weeks I have come to realize how many people have touched my life. I am grateful that we decided to move south......I would have hated to miss the friendships that I have been lucky enough cultivate.......

I feel so blessed....

Life Does Go On....But It Sucks....

As I have learned in the last 3 does go on whether we want it to or not. I have wanted the world to freeze and stay motionless while I try to catch up and catch my breath. Unfortunately that is not how life works.

In the three weeks since my Mom left us I have picked up the phone several times to call her. Twice I actually finished dialing her number to end up with the sound of a disconnected phone.

I have one last check I sent her that has gone uncashed.

I forgot about the newspaper subscription that I had ordered for her. When it showed up in my check book I remembered. I couldn't call to cancel the subscription. I asked Jenn to do it instead.

I got the last cell phone bill on which my Mom had made calls. I didn't do the usual thing of shredding the bill like I usually do. It gave me something to cling remind myself just a few short weeks ago she was on the phone talking to someone. Each month when the bill would come in Jenn and I would call and tease her about the number of minutes she had used. She never used many and I would always say "Mom use the phone that's why you have it."

I haven't cancelled her cell phone yet. I am so tempted to call and see if her voice is still on her voice crazy is that???

I look the the person from the V-8 commercial that hits themselves in the head. I hit myself in the head (figuratively) and say Mom is gone.

I have gone almost 2 full days without crying. Not back to back days but I will almost get through the day and then it hits me again......she is gone. I do not spend the days crying uncontrollably......but tears do well up from time to time throughout the day.

Friday it had been 27 years since my Dad left was hard to think about Mom being gone too.....although I know they are together.

But somehow I have made it through 27 years without Dad and 21 days without Mom......

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Trying Something New

As I have said before I struggled with Saturday weigh-ins. I decided to try something different, Weight Watchers online. I can weigh in when I want, I can track my points on my phone, I can look up points for food and restaurants online.....this works better for me than racing to get to a weekly meeting. Tonight, Jenn is going to help me go through my favorite foods and plug them into my phone so when I leave for work each day I will already have my points tracked. The website is pretty amazing. I even get reminders during the day asking me if I have tracked my breakfast, lunch and dinner......pretty cool.

I can track my activity points. I can find recipes. I can track my weight loss. There are success stories, articles and cheat sheets......

I think this is a great option for me. It will keep me on track and yet give me the flexibility I seek. That's a win I need to focus. And if I lose my phone I am in weight is on that phone.....yikes!!!!! Maybe I should just do what I did on my drivers license.....lie. Well don't most people lie on their drivers license???? Have you ever seen the police pull out a scale at a traffic stop??? So I think I am good.....there are some things I am allowed to keep to myself.

Reality Check.....the New Normal

As I leave work each night I reach for my cell phone......time to call Mom and check in......then it hits.....she is not there. For the last few years I talked to Mom just about everyday and sometimes multiple times a day. And each night as I drove home we would talk. I have driven home in silence a few times in the last few weeks. I have also tried calling friends and family to make the time pass. It is very hard.

I think I am doing well and then something hits me. Or some days are just unbearable.....and I have to struggle to get through the day. The pain is so real. I know this sounds crazy but I miss her so much more than I thought I would. I think I was in I am mad at her for leaving me.

In our family, once Dad passed away when we would think of things we would say is that before dad or after it will be before Mom or after Mom too.......

I have spent more time talking to my siblings then I had worries me that the person who kept us connected is will that impact our relationships......I know we are talking a lot right now because of the newness of Mom's passing.....I hope we don't drift apart.....I will do my best to stay in touch and keep the family together......but I have to say the new

Back To The Gym Again.....

Well.... the Christmas decorations and tree are back in storage. The last Christmas cookie has been pitched. You know what that means.....back to the gym.

Jenn and I went back to the gym. Instead of going in the pool I decided to hit the elliptical. Oh my aching thighs. I plodded along and along and along. When I was done I had to clean down the whole machine. There was sweat everywhere......I looked a mess....then I worked some of the machines and weights. I felt like someone had moved my car while I was in the gym.......I didn't have the same spring in my step.....LOL.....if anything I had to drag myself to the car.

Later in the evening when I went to get up from my chair my legs did not want to cooperate but that is just part of getting back into the swing. It will become easier as I get back into the routine. I have already told my team I will not be around on Tuesday and Thursday nights since those are my week nights at the gym. Along with Saturday and here I go again......the party is over and it is time to get back to work!!!!

The Gathering.....

A few years ago a dear friend that I worked with lost her husband. Instead of a traditional funeral her family had a "gathering". A Memorial Service that gave family and friends a chance to share memories and tell stories.I thought it was a wonderful event and shared my experience with my friends. And so the tradition of a "gathering" continues with my friends.

One of my oldest friends offered her house as place for the gathering to take place. The people there are what I consider extended family. I wasn't quite ready to see a lot of people and was still seeking closure. This was a step in that direction. There were 13 people present. Each one played a different part in my life....some of the ties were co-workers who became personal friends.....some have been friends for over 30 years. The company was wonderful, the conversation comfortable and a nice evening.....just what I needed. Before the evening ended I told each person why I had included them as part of the evening.....from my friend who also has family far away, to the boss who became a friend, to the work director with whom I have share an emotional year, to the first person I worked with when I moved to Columbia, to the friend who also had a Mom named Irene, to the friend who laughed when we talked about a car ride with my mom where she was making me crazy, to the friend who spent an evening in my house just following my Mom around the kitchen cleaning up after her and finally, the friend who had met my Mom when she was just 33.....

I like the idea of a gathering.....there was some laughter, some tears and a lot of hugs. Just a small step in the healing process......and an evening my Mom would have enjoyed.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

A Really Tough Day.......

You know when the phone rings at 7:40 on a Sunday morning it is not good news. It was my Mom had taken a turn for the worse during the night. It then became a little crazy and I tried to search for a flight to NY as soon as I could. My brother told me to wait until I heard from him. He didn't want me to be half way through Virginia when he would call and say I was too late. So I waited......

We have two more conversations and in between I spoke with my younger brother and sister a few times.

Then my brother called me back to say Mom was gone. She had gone peacefully and quickly. There were family members there as she transitioned from this life to the next......

My Mom was the oldest of 9 children. She was an Army brat. She met my Dad while both he and her father were stationed at Fort Knox. She was 16 and my Dad was 20 when they got married. He brought her home to the Bronx where they raised their 4 children. It couldn't have been easy for her. So far away from her family, living in a 5th floor walk up with 3 children. My Dad worked a full time job, drove a cab on the week-ends and went to school full time at night. Mom spent a lot of time alone with just us kids. She attended the school plays, helped out as a lunch lady, was the cookie mother for the girl scout troop and on and on.......

As their children grew older and went out on their was time for my parents to start to enjoy themselves. But their time was 48 my Dad was diagnosed with cancer and fought a tough battle that took him from us at the age of 51. Mom was just 48 and a widow......

I wondered how my Mom would find her way in the world when the center of her universe was gone. Well, she did discover a world of her own.....she became a missionary and traveled to Israel, she adored her grandchildren and took great pride in their accomplishments. She danced the hula (she was part Hawaiian) at her grandson's wedding a few years ago. It was fun to watch her grand children's faces as Nannie moved gracefully across the floor to the music from The Hawaiian Wedding Song. This was a different Nannie than they were used to seeing....the Nannie in the house dress who would spend her time in the kitchen cooking and catering to every one's request for her specialties. They cried, they applauded and they cheered as she finished the dance.

She has been through some tough battles in the last few years. Today, her battle ended. My heart hurts but in my mind she is with my Dad, the person she fell in love with 59 years ago......

I am not sure what I will do when I leave work this week and I can't call her. I am not sure what I will do when I am having a rough day and I can't call her to vent or use her as a sounding board. I am not sure what I will do now that my Mom is gone.....

She was there when I needed her everyday of my life and now she isn' do I get up tomorrow knowing that she isn't at the other end of the do I face the next day and the day after that.....

I am not sure how I am supposed to put one foot in front of the other and move on.....

I guess this is just one more lesson she has been teaching me for years......when you lose someone you care about as much as we did for just find a way.....not that it is easy.....tonight for the first time in my life I am going to sleep and my Mom is not here........

Thank you Mom for your strength, your knowledge, your faith and your love......I will miss you everyday......

I can't even begin to imagine this next part of my life without her.....