Sunday, April 8, 2012

Finding Happiness

I read somewhere this week that we (meaning me) have focus on the good things or finding our own happiness.  There are some people who can always see the glass as half full and I know people that see it the exact opposite way.  I really, really, really am going to try and be with the glass is half full people more often. 

Here are some examples of how I am working at it:

I used my megaphone (yes I said megaphone) at work to get someones attention.  It made people laugh which made me laugh.

Instead of sleeping in we met friends for breakfast this morning.  To spend some time with people who know your history is a real treat.  Our husbands are baseball nuts so they just sit at the end of the table acting like we aren't even there which is fine.  It gives us a chance to girl talk about everything from TV shows to the hot toys out to whether or not we should take a firearms class (yes I am considering it). 

Today, I am making my first attempt at cucumber dill salad.  It is from a Weight Watcher cookbook.  I am hoping it tastes great.  The dill will be coming from my herb garden.  Next week, I am going to try the cabbage slaw with lemony buttermilk dressing (another WW recipe).  I need to keep the food boredom at bay so I can reset and recharge my batteries. 

I made sure to get all my chores done yesterday so after I finish blogging, I may go sit on the rocker on the front porch and read while listening to my IPOD. 

The weather is perfect.  The front yard looks great due to Bob's hard work yesterday (yes I am paying Bob a compliment).  He worked outside yesterday for a few hours cleaning out the old mulch, putting down the new mulch, trimming the bushes and mowing the lawn.  Next week there is a tree that needs trimming and some more trimming of the bushes (they need to be cut down just a little lower) and he has to use the spreader to put out the red ant killer.  It is amazing to see how much work you can get out of a man when you offer him the Major League Baseball Channel. 

So as you can see I am trying to look for the good.....not that it will always work out but at least I am trying.  And that's about the best I can do.......

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