Monday, April 23, 2012

The Lost Weekend ....

The first mistake I made was ironing on a Saturday morning and the second was deciding to watch TV while I ironed.  I figured I would watch some show on Primetime on Demand,  A show I hadn't seen before.  I turned on the show SMASH.  What a mistake.....I was hooked.  The problem was I couldn't stop watching.  The next problem was the show has been on since the beginning of February.  I had 11 episodes to watch!!!!

I hate to admit it but I watched all 11 this weekend.  How pathetic am I???  I watched some while ironing.  I went to do the food shopping and came back and watched another episode.  I paid the bills and watched another episode.  Sunday, I went to the gym and watched more.  By the time I went to bed Sunday night I had watched and watched and watched.  I am embarrassed to say I spent over 10 hours of my life watching this show.

What scares me is now I have also discovered "Mad Men". I had heard of it but had never seen an episode.  The bad part is that show has been on for a few years and now I may have to go buy the first few seasons to see how it started....

I have admitted I was pathetic but if this is the worst thing I do with my spare time....oh who cares.  I didn't forget to do the chores and errands,  I still cooked dinner and I didn't neglect the family....OK maybe I did ignore them a little.  This is very unusual for me to get sucked in like I did but hey WTH it was just one weekend.

Maybe I should get the clothes out of the dryer on time and not have to iron........but I would have missed a great show and what would I have done with those lost hours.....paint the Mona Lisa, write the great American novel, had a dinner party for, no and no.  It is what it is and I had sue me!!

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