Sunday, April 1, 2012

So How Did I Do With My To Do List For The Week?

Go to the gym 5 times....check.  I have to say I give a tremendous amount of credit to those who go to the gym EVERY day.   BY day 5 I was wiped out and pretty achy.  Not only did I go 5 times in a week but it was 5 days in a row.  

Get car serviced.....check.  New tires, alignment, oil change and a tune up.  Now the car is ready for our trip to NY. 

Taxes are done.  Just one more review of the numbers before I send my check off to Uncle Sam.

Air cond serviced......check.  There are some issues with the a/c but not enough to get a new system yet.  Plus, I have a home owners warranty so the company rep said we should just wait for the system to stop working and let the home owners warranty company handle it.

Plant a herb garden.......check.  We now have parsley, basil, dill and oregano ready to be used for some cooking.  I can't believe how much the herbs have grown since I put them in the planter.  The basil smells heavenly and I could smell it on my hands the rest of the afternoon.

Put out the new mulch......nope....didn't get to this.....maybe next week-end.

All in all a pretty productive week.  I feel accomplished!!!!

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