Sunday, April 1, 2012

A Nice Sunday Morning

Sometimes a morning just goes right.  I got up early and read the newspaper and watched my favorite Sunday Monring news show.  Before 11:00 and I had showered, had a meatloaf in the oven and chicken cutlets had been cleaned and prepared.   The weather outside is perfect.  The April tablecloth and monthly decorations are all up.  Jenn made a salad for me to take for lunch tomorrow with lettuce from the lettuce bowl that is growing on my front porch.  It was nice to have all of the work for the day done by noon.  That means the rest of the day was for me.  I read, watched some TV, ran a few errands and now am working on my blog.  Very nice and very peaceful.  I wish I could feel this way every day but as we all know Monday through Friday is just not cut out for this kind of routine. 

Oh well whether I like it or comes Monday......

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