Sunday, April 8, 2012

A million miles and 250 steps.....

OK maybe not a million miles but I think I have racked up some serious miles water jogging.  I feel like I could run forever in the water.  I need to find a pedometer that is water proof so I can see how many steps I am taking in the pool.  I will then try to convert those steps to miles.  Actually, I will ask Jenn to help me convert those steps to miles.  I have to believe that each time I jog in the pool I am going 2-3 miles. I don't think that would be too far off.  So if I am doing that 3-4 times a week.....WOW!!!! I am also punching my arms while I jog to get rid of those flabby arms I wrote about a few weeks ago. 

One night last week I could not get to the gym so in place of my regular workout.....I used the stepper.  250 steps.  Talk about getting the old ticker going.....LOL.  I was sweating and I knew I was getting major cardio, cardio, cardio......

I have learned that I do not have to run a marathon or hit the gym everyday in order to get healthier.  I need to be consistent and make time to get in some form of exercise when I can.  I have even figured out how to get at least 3 workouts in before and after I go to NY this month so I won't feel like a total slug. 

Oh and one more thing......yesterday when I was in the pool doing my thing.....I was the only one in the about was pure Heaven!!!!

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