Monday, April 23, 2012

A Lap of the Track for My Mom

About 2 weeks ago, my friend Diana had put a post on Facebook that she was going to participate in the Relay For Life. She said she was doing it for her Mom who lost her battle with cancer last year and her friend Chris who lost his battle far too young.  She also said she was walked for the loved ones of some dear friends.  Then I saw she was walking for Irene Raboni.  I got a huge lump in my throat and a big ache in my heart.  I started to cry.  I sent her a donation and wished her luck.  She sent me a message saying she was sure our Mom's were looking down on their favorite daughters and were happy. 

Last Friday night was the Relay. I sent Diana and her team a good luck message and told them how proud I was of them. A little while later I checked Facebook to see if they had posted how the team was doing and this is what I saw.....

In case you can't read the sign it says "Walking this lap in loving memory of Irene Raboni".

The lump in my throat got huge, the ache in my heart was replaced with gratitude.  This was a random act of kindness from a special friend.  I can never tell Diana what this meant to me!!!! I did tell her I would like to join her next year for the Relay.  Another reason to keep up the exercise so I can be ready to participate!!

People come into our lives and are put there for a variety of reasons.  I have been blessed with so many friends who have helped me through the last few months.  Whether it be a phone call, a hug, an e-mail or a lap around a track.......I know how lucky I am !!!!

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