Sunday, April 15, 2012

So How Is This Happiness Stuff Going?

Last week was a pretty good week.  I really tried to focus on the positive and stay in a good place.  I do believe that positive goes to positive.  They same when you are in a negative space....things just seem to continue to go downhill.

For example,  Bob's car needed some work.  Instead of being upset or mad, I just thought OK at least it can be fixed.  At least we don't need to invest in a new car. 

I filed our income taxes this week.  Due to some poor planning on my part we ended up owing Uncle Sam.  On the upside, I figured out how to pay the tax bill.

For some reason we have been on a roll where everything is costing us $$$.  You all know that we sometimes get those periods of time that every where we turn there are bills.  But so far I am getting through it. 

I really do feel better when I try to put a positive twist on things.  Plus, I know it can be a drag when someone asks how things are goings and you have a list of things going wrong.  Who wants to be around that person?

Well, it's almost Monday again and I am going to continue to try and be more positive.  Pretty soon it will just be second nature......right.......of course right!!!!!!

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