Sunday, April 1, 2012

New Recipes

To me reading a cookbook is like reading a novel.  I love cookbooks.  I picked up one this week that has some great ideas and healthy options.

For example, I am going to try the Cucumber-Dill Salad with Sour Cream Dressing (don't worry it is reduced fat sour cream).  This will give me a chance to use the fresh dill from my herb garden.  The ingredients are simple and the dressing is made with lite sour cream, wine vinegar, dill, salt and pepper.  I just have to get a small red onion.  Yum!!! This sounds great!!!!

I have promised myself to really experiment more with foods.  Today when Jenn was putting a salad together for me, she asked what I would like in it besides the normal tomato's and cukes.  I had her put in a variety of lettuce, some lean ham and a little blue cheese.  I asked her if we had any mushrooms....we didn't.....but we had artichoke hearts...woo hoo!!! That salad is going to be fab.  I bought a salad spray to use on it. The  only other salad dressing that I like is oil and vinegar but this time it will be the spray. 

I could live on salad and soup.  They must have a lot of stuff in them.  And the thing that works for me is they take a while to eat.  I tend to eat things quickly and then still feel hungry.  With a salad or  thick chunky soup it takes time and by the time I finish I am full. 

I have enough ingredients to make a different salad each day this week so that's my plan.  The only drawback is I must make sure to make the salad at night.  I don't have enough time in the morning to make a good salad.  Well.... Monday's lunch is already made.....let's see if I can get through the rest of the week making a different one each night......if I do I will let you know next week........and yes I will watch what I put in point in eating a salad and not making it healthy.......right?

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