Sunday, April 15, 2012

My Jane Jetson Face

Do you remember the cartoon show The Jetson's? They had a picture /video phone long before we did. Now we have skype and facetime. I now need a Jane Jetson mask.  When I get on either skype or facetime, I move the camera around to see how I look best. Of course, there are times when I am  not camera worthy.  Meaning I don't have on make-up, haven't done my hair and am still in my nightshirt....getting the vision?  I guess until I can get a Jetson mask I will have to have piece of paper that I will hold up in front of the camera that says something like "Donna's video camera is not working" or "Video contact not available at this time" or "Trust me you do not want to see Donna at this time".

The other time I need to use my Jetson mask is some mornings when I get to work.  As I get older, I am less and less a morning person.  I need to be able to come in and smile.  Some days it is hard.  So I give myself a little pep talk in the parking lot and try to get myself in a good place.  I always hope that everyone will at least let me put my pocketbook away, get my computer turned on and get my desk ready for the day.  Most days, I can get through that process without interruption.  The days I don't get to and before I am ready to go I hear "Donna, can I ask you a question?".  I put on my Jane Jetson mask and try to answer the question.

Once when I had a new team member I did the welcome to the team talk.  I asked what she had heard from the other team members about how we operate.  She looked at me with a smile and said " I was told don't talk to Donna until after 9:00."  I had to laugh and ......admit it was kind of true.......

1 comment:

  1. Hi Donna,
    Do you actually own a Jane Jetson paper mask to hold up when you don't want to be seen on facetime? My sister has mentioned this several times and I'd love to surprise her with one. She would definitely use it with her sense of humor. Please let me know if you purchased the mask if you own one so I can purchase one as well. Thanks so much.
    Michelle 504-221-3812
