Sunday, February 26, 2012

An Almost Perfect Sunday.....

I started my day at the gym. In the pool by 10:00 and no children in sight. Jog, jog, jog. Bob went a to a USC baseball game which meant peace and quiet in the house for a few hours. I downloaded some songs no one but me would care about or remember. Got the veggies steamed. Ironing done. Blog entries done and it's only 5:30 which means the Sunday paper will be read on Sunday (this doesn't always happen). If I had just squeezed in a nap this day would have been nirvana.....oh well at least I am going into Monday feeling like I accomplished a lot today.

My biggest decision for the rest of the day is do I watch the Amazing Race or The Academy Awards......

I will probably go with Billy Crystal......he can be very funny......and I can always DVR the Amazing Race.....well wasn't that an easy decision to make..... I can only hope all my decisions are that easy this week.....I am so in a zone......time to buy a lottery ticket......OK maybe not.....LOL.....too bad every day can't be this easy.....

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