Saturday, February 11, 2012

Look How Flexible I Can Be.....

Sometimes I can't see the forest for the trees. On Tuesday afternoon I start to stress out....I need to get out of the office by 5:00 to make it to the gym by 6:00.
As the clock moves toward 5:00 I start to rush and get mad at the last minute issues that pop up. Then it's 5:15 and I am still at my desk. Then the stress really sets in. Next, I am racing to my car and trying to get through traffic. This routine goes on most weeks and happens again on Thursday nights too. Then all of a sudden it hits what if I miss the water aerobics class?? Does the pool Does the gym Can I still work out in the pool.....yes!!!! The light bulb goes off over my head!!!!! Even if I am late I can still go to the gym and get in the pool. I can catch part of the water aerobics class and then just stay in the pool while everyone else heads home and jog in the water for awhile.....

I feel like someone has lifted a huge weight off my shoulders.....why the hell didn't I think of this before??? I am so conditioned to my routine I didn't bother to think about other options......duh......

So now on Tuesday and Thursday I know my goal is to be out of the office by 5:00 but if I don't make it by 5:00 I can still hit the gym and get my workout is this what it means to be flexible??? Well if it is then color me flexible......

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