Saturday, February 11, 2012

We Are Now The Older Generation

When I was young there were three generations over me. I remember visiting my Great Grandmother Raboni a few times, then of course there were my Grandparents and then my Parents. It was comforting to have so many layers above me in the family tree. On my Mom's side there are still 4 of her sisters and 2 brothers but on my Dad's side......there is no one. My siblings and cousins are now the senior members of the family. It's a little did this happen. My brother is the oldest of the Raboni side and I am right behind him. The 9 grandchildren of Rita and Orendi Raboni range in age from 46-58. The next generation down goes from 34-16 and now the newest additions (of which there will be more I am sure) are almost 2 years old, 4 months old and a new member due in May.

Oh where oh where have they all gone......Tommy, Gert, Rita, Johnnie, George and their spouses and all the other relatives that used to gather for holidays, weddings and family events.

There is no one to make Aunt Jo's beans or Aunt Gert's Swedish more sending the kids to the basement to plan a show for the more black and white cookies that Nana would buy at Zaro's Bakery.

It is also hard to grasp the fact that I now have the term Great Aunt in front of my name....someday the kids will talk about when Aunt Donna did this or Aunt Cheryl did it is our time to be the oldest living part of the family tree......when Mom passed that was the end of that generation on the Raboni family it is did that happen?????

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