Saturday, February 11, 2012

A Super Bowl Sunday.....

There is nothing better than a Super Bowl Sunday with my family and the Giants are one of the teams playing in the game of the year. Their record this year was not stellar but they kicked it into gear at the right time and ended up going up against the dreaded and hated (at least by my family) Patriots.

Anyway, we arrived at my sisters house at 10:00AM and it was great to see the surprised look on their faces that my brother and his wife were with us. We were together from breakfast through post game interviews. The game was great, the food outstanding and well the company......priceless!!!!!

Our family takes football very seriously and we live and die with each play. We watched hours of pregame shows and by the time the game started we were beside ourselves with anticipation. There had been beer runs and different foods for each hour of the day (or at least it seemed that way). I was no saint in the food dept but hell it was Super Bowl Sunday, I was with my family and my favorite team WON!!!!

Before I knew it it was almost midnight and it was time for me to head home. I didn't cry when I said goodbye to my brother because I knew I would see him again in a few months. We got home at almost 2:00AM.....I was so wound up I ended up watching Sports Center for an hour or two. I went to sleep with visions of victory and the salsa (if you don't know what I mean by this look up Victor Cruz).....what a day.....what a week-end......what a victory......the Giants Motto had been a phrase used by gamblers and I have heard is used in Vegas........All In Baby......and that was what I felt like all week-end......All In Baby.....All In........

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