Saturday, February 11, 2012

A Family Visit....Just What The Doctor Ordered

A family visit was just what I needed. I have missed being around family especially the last few weeks. When my brother and his wife showed up I was so excited. I hadn't seen them in almost 4 years. How did I let that much time go without a visit? That is something I need to work on....making time for my family. Anyway, when they got to the house, I couldn't shut a man dying of thirst in the desert and he finds an oasis filled with water.....that was how I felt. I asked a million questions about Mom. I needed to get the details of her passing. All of sudden I looked at my watch and it was 2:20 AM.....I commented on the time and then continued to talk for another 40 minutes. Being able to talk about Mom and Dad with someone who shares that history was comforting. We laughed about the Saturday nights when I was 16 and Greg was 6 and I would take him to BK for burgers, Huff's for ice cream and home to watch emergency.....I called him Bud then.....short for my little buddy.

They brought the items on my shopping list: Reinzi clam sauce, Thomas's toaster cakes, corn muffins, Drakes coffee cakes, Yankee Doodles, Devil Dogs and Funny Bones.....don't worry.....they all made it to the freezer so they will be eaten sparingly.....not all in one sitting......although one person in my household has managed to eat two boxes of coffee cakes in less than a week.....guess who???? Not Jenn or me....

Saturday included a tour of Columbia including a visit to the Mast General Store and Loose Lucy's in 5 points. Then it was home to cook for Super Bowl Sunday......our time together went way too fast.

I am so grateful they made the is good to know I will see them again in April.......and I promise not to let years go by without seeing my family again.....and I mean it!!!!!

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