Saturday, February 18, 2012

Why I Hate New Years Eve and Valentines Day

New Year's Eve and Valentines Day are days for couples......happy couples.....couples on the same page.

How is it that you go to sleep one night and suddenly you wake up and don't know the person next to you. I know I have changed over the years but I think I have always been realistic about my lot in life. I have always known what I could afford and why I can't afford other things. When it comes to money I think I have done my share. So why am I blamed for the things we do not have. Why do I always have to be the bad guy and say we can't afford this or we can't afford that. I have been blamed for doing a lousy job at the's not easy when you haven't had enough to make ends meet. Especially, when other people keep saying I want, I want, I want.......well guess what??? I want things too.....I have denied myself a part of the income carries the bulk of the financial responsibility but doesn't get the bulk of the rewards......finances can cause a strain on a can illness........

It is hard to repair the damage of cruel words. Should a good day be one without any kind of confrontation? Shouldn't home be the place to look forward to going to?

So give me Groundhog Day or Presidents least I don't have to be part of a couple to celebrate it......

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