Saturday, February 11, 2012

What a crazy week something every night!!!

I hate when I head into Sunday night knowing I will be busy every night of the upcoming week. That's what I had to face two weeks ago....

Monday Night- off to the Township Auditorium for the Mid-Carolina's TD Annual Awards. This was quite an event. Green was the suggested color for the evening. I couldn't find my co-workers so I sat at an end of a row next to some strangers. It was like a pep rally....cheers of We Are TD filled the air. I have never been to anything like this before.

Tuesday Night- Water aerobics

Wednesday Night- Hair appointment with Wayne- cut and highlights- I wish Wayne could be at my house every morning to do my hair. I love the way it looks when he blows it out. I feel like I have a full head of hair!!!! And I look like I do too!!!!

Thursday Night- my date with my trainer

Friday Night- Family arrives for a week-end visit wonder I was so tired......I don't mind going out a night or two but I do love to come right home from work and get comfy.....maybe I am getting old?? I used to love going out after work Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights......Sunday nights?????....yes even Sunday nights!!!!.....but then again that was just last week wasn't it......or last month.....or last year.....oh hell it was most than 35 years ago......I would never go out before 10:00 I would be happy to be in my jammies by .......the Senior Citizen Dinner Specials....

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