Saturday, February 11, 2012

I Can't Believe I Threw Out The Food....

Friday before the Super fun event......wear jeans.....wear favorite team jersey (I didn't because the two jerseys I have are for players who no longer play for my team).....but I did bring in my 3ft by 5 ft NY Giants flag to hang up.

Oh and the infamous office tailgate event. I brought in veggies, fruit, cheese and dip. Fortunately, the food tables were set up far from my workspace. Around noon the festivities begin.....which means the eating begins. I stay by my desk. Coworkers come by and say "Donna, do you want me to get you a plate?"....."Donna. aren't you going to have something?"......"Donna, come on and have something."....

I don't want to stand out for not I go to the food table and grab a paper plate.....I try to make good choices but at least 3 types of dips end up on my plate with crackers and taco chips. I go back to my desk and taste a little of each thing.......then I do the unthinkable.....I throw out the rest of the food......yes I pitched it right in my trash can!!!!! Score one for me!!!!!! I did get stuck late at work that day and started to get hungry.....for a split second I thought about the food I had thrown away......and then I started to laugh and thought "Donna you are an ass.....what would possess you to even think about the food in the trash!!!!" I realized that even though I was hungry chewing a piece of gum was a wiser choice.......OK I am really am a mess.......LOL......

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