Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sukiyaki and more.....

I love my Ipod. Today, I purchased 15 songs.....yes 15 songs. They range from Bobby Vinton, The Vogues, Leslie Gore and on and on. I have been making a list of "old" songs that I love.....Mr. Sandman bring me a dream....I think the new commercial that has that song got me started with the "old songs". Jenn was very patient as she showed me once again how to purchase the songs and load them on to my IPod. While I listen to the instrumental version of the theme to A Summer Place for some reason it makes me smile. My parents had a "record player" and I remember as a youngster listening to a mix of music. From the Big Bands, to Vera Lynn, to Joanie James with some Mathis and Mario Lanza thrown in. My grandmother had a hi-fi system. This was a major piece of had speaker on each side, a turntable and on the other side a radio.....the cover for the turntable slid over so you could stack up some albums.

When ever I hear Dean Martin sign "Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime" I am transported back to the Bronx. I am in the 4th or 5th grade. It's Friday night and Dad takes us to a restaurant (pizzeria with a dining room in the back) on Tremont Avenue. Sometimes we went in the car other times we walked. I wish I could remember the name of the place. We would sit at a long table and have a few pies and soda. This was a major treat for us. And Dean Martin or Frank Sinatra were always being played on the juke box........nice memory......I think we did this during Lent when meat was a no-no on Friday's. Hard to believe that was over 40 years ago.

OK by now you might be wondering about the Sukiyaki part of the title of this entry. I remember this song so clearly when we went to visit my grandparents in California. Riding in my grandmother's Country Squire station wagon and that song on the radio. My Mom and her sister's trying to master the new dance "The Mashed Potato".....LOL.

My Grandmother made sushi from scratch. It was wonderful. She made it in sushi cones which I believe are now referred to a "nouri". I talked to the lady who make sushi at Publix. She knew exactly what I was talking about and told me if I called in advance she would make them for me.....yum. ( Not high in the calorie dept either....LOL).

Sukiyaki and sushi.....takes me back in time to a place where you watched your parents dance and laugh.....forever young.......

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