Sunday, October 31, 2010

I Have To Walk With Ease To Get To Italy

One of the places I have always wanted to visit is Italy. I remember my parents trip there and how much they loved it. My friend, Kathy, went there a few years ago and said it was a place she would definitely visit again. Another good friend, Gigi, just returned from there last week. All of these people came back with rave reviews and made my desire to travel there even stronger.

Besides the obvious.....saving the money to go......I also need to be able to walk....a lot....for long periods of time. This is something I need to work on. My stamina has improved and as I lose weight I am hoping any aches or pains I feel in my knees and hip will decrease. I have already seen some improvement. I am never going to be a speed walker but I know I need to be able to walk distances in order to enjoy my trip.

Well there you have it,,,,,a new goal for my list. Increased activity + weight loss = walking in Italy. I have started water walking and will increase my time and distance in the pool. Maybe at few laps on the track wouldn't hurt either.

OK here we go....I would get a t-shirt that says "Walking For Italy" but then it might sound like a about "Walking To Italy" that doesn't work about "Italy or Bust".....nope too many jokes could be made about that....."Italy Here I Come".....that sounds great....

Let me start practicing my Italian now.....until next time.....Arrivederci.....

I Don't Have To Be Perfect.....Just Better

I see people who can drop weight so easily or who can eat whatever they want and not have to worry about it. I also have seen people who have had surgery to increase their weight loss. I do not lose weight quickly and quite honestly the thought of surgery terrifies me. I did go to a meeting a few years ago about gastric bypass surgery. I left the meeting knowing this was not an option for me.

That left me with two options.....stay the way I was or take the slower route to weight loss and better health.

Those of you who read this know what my decision was.....gradual weight loss and increased activity. The gym had become as much a part of my life as breathing. I look forward to seeing what Carol has in store for me. I am proud of the fact I can now go through our whole workout without a break. I am learning to look forward not down while I exercise. There is a lot going on in the world when you look around instead of focusing on the ground.

This week I was down at Weight Watchers....not a lot but down......this is what I mean by better not perfect. I thought up some changes for my meals during the week that will change up my lunches. As I said in earlier posts, I don't want to get bored.

The changes I seek are front and center in my mind each and every day....sometimes I want to throw in the towel....but then I walk into the gym and accomplish something new......I pass up something I really would love to eat......I try on a pair of pants and a new top and look in the mirror and like the small improvements I see. Last week, I had to dress up one day for work and actually thought I looked nice.

Looking at my reflection in the mirror and feeling comfortable with what I see will come in time. But at least one day last week I looked in the mirror and didn't frown. The person looking back at me wasn't perfect but she was definitely better......

I Am A Caterpillar......

My good friend Mary gave me a magnetic note that I have hanging by my desk that says "Just when the Caterpillar thought the world was over, she turned into a butterfly". When she told me she had something for me, I asked if it would make me cry. She said it might. Once I read those words the waterworks turned on. My mascara and eyeliner are not waterproof !!!!

The words made me think about this year and the transformation I am trying to accomplish. To tell you the truth I have always felt like the Caterpillar. Never the smartest or most attractive. Fulled with lots of insecurities. Wanting to please, wanting to be liked. I know there are some good things about me.....I have a wicked sense of humor, a great laugh, am a good friend, love being a Mom and try to see the glass half full. But I am also realistic, not meant to be a size 8 or class valedictorian. I wish I had tried harder in school to get better grades (too bad they didn't grade socialization....I would have gotten a great grade in that).

The nice part about this phase of my life is I still feel like I have things I want to accomplish. The writing things takes front and center. I know I can get something published and just have to make the right connection. I am becoming healthier each day. I am liking myself more and more each day. Only 10 months into my journey, there is a very long path ahead of me.....I don't mind though.

At the end of the path, I will break free of my cocoon and fly.......

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Feeling Cool When Getting Out Of The Pool....

Finally, out of the 90's !!!! I didn't think the hot weather would ever end !!!! Last week when I left the gym after water aerobics, I was chilly. WOO HOO !!! I didn't think that would ever happen since we have had hot weather since last April. I am so lucky to have the indoor pool at the gym. By the time I go to water aerobics class the sun is setting, some days the sky looks fabulous. That is an added treat while exercising.

I hope the pool water gets a little warmer as the weather continues to cool. Even as I leave the gym sweating from my workout, I will need to remember to bring something to keep warm. Coming out all sweaty makes me feel cold. I have become such a southern the girl who used to walk the dog in the winter in flip flops after a February snowstorm in NY.

Look at me....LOL....worried that I might catch a chill after working out at the gym. That is nothing I would have had to think about a year ago.

I love this time of year....a little chill in the air.....sweater weather.....something else to add to my gym bag.....

I Have Dreams Other Than The Little Black Dress...

I have a picture on my desk of a little black dress.....someday, I want to buy myself a basic black dress....nothing frumpy.....and maybe just maybe sleeveless....

While health, exercise and weight loss have been at the front and center of my life this year.....I have also made the time to dream . What kind of dreams you might ask?

I would love to be successful as a writer. What action am I taking toward making this dream come true? I just found an online class I can take dealing with how to write successful articles for magazines. I am going to sign up for a class that starts in January. I think that is a good time of year for the class, the holidays will be over and we hit the after holiday doldrums.

I want to travel. I am going to search for a really good travel magazine that can give me idea's for affordable trips. Maybe if I earn incentives next year, I can earmark some of that money as a vacation fund.

I want to spend more time with friends doing fun things. Whether it be at lunch on a Saturday or a week-end with the girls. This is something I have to put on my MUST DO list. I find the time I spend with my friends makes some of the daily struggles easier to endure.

Maybe I can start to think about visiting family out west that I haven't seen in years. I miss them a lot.

This list is only a partual list of my dreams.....I will share more at a later date. I can't reveal all my secrets.....

You will notice this list of dreams is only about things I want to do. Why you may ask? I am finally at a point in my life where I have to dream for me not anyone else. If you would like to come along with me on some of my adventures/dreams....ask me......and maybe just maybe I will say YES.....

NSS = Non-Scale Success

At my Weight Watchers meeting the topic was Non-Scale Successes......a good topic since I was up at the scales......

As I go back in my mind over my week I look for where I might have tripped myself up.....could it be the banana's, apples or pineapples which have a lot of sugar. Did I not drink enough water? Did my nightly soda hurt? There is always the CHEESE !!!! I had a vegetable plate for lunch one day and steamed dumplings another....trying to switch things up. Maybe wrong choices.....

At this point in my life I should get it !!! Instead I am still trying to figure things out. I don't know why this shouldn't be crystal clear.....why I still have so many questions and not a lot of definite answers.

Once again it is time to regroup and refocus......I know I can be successful !!! I set goals and timeframes for myself and then am disappointed when I do not meet them. But if I do not set goals then I would flounder. Goals can be changed and adjusted. I hope no one will look at me like I am a failure by moving goals. For example, as we head to the end of October the goal of being down 50 pounds by the end of the year doesn't seem likely. SO WHAT !!!! I will weigh considerably less than what I weighed at the beginning of the year......I have only missed 2 weeks at the gym since last January.....I have experimented with new foods. Well that sounds like a successful year to me and that's all that really matters !!!!!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Saturday's are GREAT....

I love Saturday.....freedom to do what I want....when I want.....the gym is not as crowded on Saturday afternoon.....the start of a new week on the scales........kind of a fresh start......each week is a new slate.....on it I write my choices from each then end of the week I judge the week by the choices I have made along the way......sometimes things beyond my control will affect the way the week turns out (I would rather not elaborate on this right now). I try to make good choices but being human sometimes don't.....that doesn't make me a just means I am human......years from now when my weight is where I (yes I said I) want it to be, when my eating habits have changed for good (less sugar, less sodium, healthier choices) and my attempts to exercise will have paid a good profit in my overall health and physical fitness.....this road that I have traveled sometimes alone, sometimes with family and friends will show the benefits of my efforts.....I am reaping the rewards already in the way I feel compared to a year ago.....the time from January til now has flown.....I am already planning where I want to head next year.....I have had to re-adjust my goals but my focus remains the's all about me.....

Waving with Webbed Hands

After being up at the scales last week I had thought about skipping Weight Watchers this week. I had lunch with friends one day and a team lunch for Bosses Day another. I didn't go overboard for either lunch but as I drove to my meeting I once again reviewed my week and wondered if I had made the right choices.

Thank goodness I was down at the scales....

I went to the gym and worked out in the pool. I am using my new webbed gloves in the pool. You can really feel the resistance of the water. During my workout, I saw a Mom with two young sons looking through the glass door at the pool. I raised my hand to wave at the boys, one smiled and waived back.....the other looked at his mother very confused. It appeared he was asking her what was wrong with my hands. The look on his face made me laugh. Then he waived back and they were on their way.

I did about 3/4 of a mile in the pool in laps. According to the water aerobics instructor, the distance you travel in the pool equals more on land. I ended up doing what would have been almost 3 miles of walking/jogging. By the time I exited the pool my arms and legs were feeling it.

Each time I leave the gym, I feel a sense of accomplishment. I am proud that I have stuck with the gym. I think it shows my determination to achieve my goals. Having Jenn to give me that gentle nudge or kick in the butt to get me through the doors on the days when I don't feel like going always is worth it when I leave the gym an hour later. I know in order to get to where I want to go.....the gym is not optional.

Webbed hands, pools, the elliptical, sitting on the Bosu and balancing, steps and stairs.....not what I had anticipated when I thought about joining the gym but now are as much of me as like my trainer says remember to breathe.....

Another Trip to Earth Fare

A coupon for something free is so hard for me to resist. I had a coupon for a free pineapple at Earth Fare as long as I spent $5. I browsed the aisles for something new to try. I could have spent a fortune on what I wanted to buy but I practiced some restraint. I ended up with some turkey salami (which is surprisingly good) and some left over cheese rinds to put in soup (called cheese soup bones). As I walked up and down the aisles I realized there is a whole other world of food and cooking that I really have not explored. There were foods with little or no sugar, meats that looked delicious and organic was part of most labels. The hard part that is to eat this "healthier" way can be very expensive. Not exactly like shopping at Walmart....

In order to expand my horizons I decided to stop at Earth Fare every few weeks and find something new to try. I am not brave enough to buy things that I wouldn't normally like so I will stick with what I octopus or venison but will buy some chicken, soups, pasta's, breads, etc.....

As I try something new, I will share it with you on this blog. Maybe it will spark someones interest in the things I try and like. I am starting with very basic foods and as I get more comfortable I will branch out.

This is all part of my evolution......weight, exercise, health, as my world expands I hit twists and turns I hadn't anticipated....this is getting to be fun.......

Working out in the rain....

Thursday, I went to the gym for a water aerobics class. The sky was very dark and I was worried that class would be cancelled. All that was needed was one clap of thunder or lightening bolt and the class would be off. I was in the pool about 5 minutes and here came the rain!!! It came down in buckets and you could hardy see outside. The rain hitting the roof sounded wonderful and watching it come off the roof like a waterfall made being in the pool so much more fun. It rained for most of the class and made me laugh while keeping up with the class. As I was leaving the class, the rain had stopped and there was a beautiful sky with the sun going down. I had a great work out with the added entertainment provided by mother nature. Some days just end better than others..... :-)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

A Step Toward Thinking I Can Do It.....

I have always loved writing. And on occasion have been told I write well. It is not easy for me to say I do things well. BUT when I comes to writing..........I believe it is one of my gifts. I have two notes hanging on the wall in front of my desk. One says Do What Melts Your Heart and the other says Did You Live A Life of Passion? Writing is one of my passions and does melt my heart. What I need to do is be more dedicated. Write every excuses. Take the advice of others who write (such as reading the books suggested to me including The Write To Write- yes, Wayne I know I have been procrastinating).

Time to take action. I read that Barnes and Noble has a new publishing site. I started to look into it this week. Amazon has one too. OK so now I may have a place to send things I want to have published. I am also looking into other avenues to get my words in print. One of the things the B&N site asks for is information on where to put your profits if something you write is purchased. It got me thinking.....

In order for a dream to come true you have to be proactive. Guess what I did?? I don't want to mix the money I may earn from my writing with the households funds. So I opened up a checking and savings account at a credit union. These accounts will be for the sole purpose of a place to put any profits from my writing. I was very excited to take this step. I feel like I am saying.....I am a writer. Hopefully there will be a time when my new bank account will start to grow.

Like going to the gym is a way to a healthier and happier me which takes care of the physical and mental parts of Donna. That little bank account represents my passions and some of my dreams. It is amazing what a little account with a $25 balance can me it is everything........

4 Trips to the Gym= Up at the Scales?? UUGGHH

I made it to the gym 4 times this week. I got gloves to wear in the pool to increase the water resistance. Carol gave me a great workout. And what was my reward for all of these efforts?? Up at the scale !!!! My first reaction was to give up. My friends at work gave me words of encouragement.

I went to the gym again and worked out. The old Donna would have throw in the towel. Instead with some encouragement, I decided to work harder.

I think I am working at the weight and exercise thing. I feel like my body is betraying me by not cooperating. The progress is incredibly slow. I may not reach my initial goal by the end of the year but I am still years ahead of where I was last year.

Goals are something to strive for not the be all and end all. Is it horrible if I do not hit my goal by my self imposed initial deadline?? How should I handle this.....quit? NO....I can just move the deadline or goal date out. So if I am not at the 50 pounds down by 12/31....I can give myself more time and not be defeated. I am not a failure....I just need more time. As long as overall I keep pushing in the right direction I believe I will get to my goal weight.......eventually.....

Picture me in the black dress I have always wanted to wear. I can see it now....

Pity party over......

Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Small Things....

Going for a ride in a friends convertible,

downloading a TV theme song from I-Tunes,

putting up the Fall/Halloween decorations,

temp's in the 70's,

sharing a laugh at Weight Watchers,

taking a nap,

finding a coupon for something already on sale,

finding a gift for someone that you think they will really like,

a DVR that is almost empty,

an ice cold glass of water,

weather getting cold enough to need a blanket during the night,

resisting the urge to go and buy more books (I already have more than I could read in a year),

passing by stands selling pumpkins and mums,

finding that one perfect delicious apple,

these are just a few of the small things that I came across this lucky am I....

I Am Flexible

Those of you who know me well are saying "Yeah right....Donna flexible....NOT". I do not mean flexible as far as going on a spur of the moment vacation or buying something impulsively....we all know I have to plan everything to the nth degree and think and think and think about something before taking action.

BUT at the gym......Carol says I am flexible. This week I stood with my back against the wall, held weights in each hand, bent to the floor, lifted my arms to the sides of my head and then lift my arms up with the rest of my body until I was flat against the wall again. My abdominal muscles could feel the strain and it was amazing. I also spent time doing squats, standing on one leg and kicking the other leg behind me. Carol was very encouraging and I need that positive reinforcement.

So while I may not take off to Europe on a moments least I know there is some place where I can bend and stretch with ease.....

The Time At The Gym Is Paying Off...

I spent 3 hours on Wednesday with co-workers at Harvest Hope Food Bank. It was constant activity. I stood and filled bags of potato's, sat and bagged snacks, and filled shopping carts with groceries for the clients. It was 3 hours of constant movement. And guess what....I was able to keep up !!!! I was sweaty and thirsty by the time we were done but I made it. I don't think I could have done it a year ago.....

My energy and endurance has definitely increased....that's one of the payoffs for going to the gym on a regular basis.

I found out on Friday that I will be able to go to the food bank once a month to help out for 4 hours. I will going on Senior Citizen Wednesday which means we will bring the groceries out to the clients cars. It means more walking and lifting which is fine with me !!!!

One of my big fears is not being able to finish physical tasks. I was worried as I drove to Harvest Hope that I might not be able to go the distance. There was no reason to worry....I made it with energy to spare.....

I am looking forward to going again on October 13th. And I am happy to move another concern for the "can't do" to the "can do" side of the balance sheet.....well what do you know....the positive side of the balance sheet is getting longer and the negatives slowly are erased.....and on I go......