Saturday, September 10, 2011

Cottage Cheese Thighs

I am sure at some point my thighs looked normal. The sad part is I can't remember when it thighs.....uugghh.....they have cellulite beyond belief.....I see people with smooth legs......mine look like something out of Ripley's Believe It Or Not.......

I have to watch the thickness of the material in my pants.......if the material is too dimpled thighs stand out.....same if I pick the wrong light colors for me!!!! Right now I wear black, navy and grey......I was actually thinking about getting a pair in brown but I really don't have a lot of things that go with which works great with brown is not my signature color.

Although I love going in the pool....I do hate having people see my ugly thighs. I know you are thinking I could wear one of those swim dresses. Well, there are a few problems with those.....first, when you are in the pool working out they can slide I would spend too much time pulling the skirt down.......the second problem ass. Because my butt is how shall we say enhanced, rotund, enlarged, protrudes.....hell it is big and sticks out. In one of those swim dresses the front might look nice but because of my would be shorter in the back then the front. Yes, this does happen.....I wish the dress and bathing suit manufacturers took this into consideration. A few extra inches of material can make all the difference......especially to me.....

Ok so here I sit with my cottage cheese thighs and big butt wondering what could be worse......I know what could be worse......flabby thighs and saggy butt that still bear the reminder of the cottage cheese......I love cheese.....just not as part of my body.....

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