Saturday, September 10, 2011

Too Busy To Eat

I am so busy at my new job that I don't have time to eat. This can be good and this can be bad. When I show up st the gym and tell my trainer all I have had all day was oatmeal and string cheese.....she is not thrilled. Another day on the way home I realize I had a PB & J for breakfast and have had nothign but some pretzels since then.....

I know this not a healthy way to lose weight......the hard part is I can feel like I am losing.......and that is a struggle. I really only want to eat when I am hungry and am not intentionally not eating....or am I??? This is part of the weight loss battle....

I love the fact that the day flies at work but am I in the long run sabotaging myself...

I am not sure what to sounds crazy to force myself to eat but if I don't eat right......I won't lose.....uugghh....what to do......what to do????

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