Sunday, September 25, 2011

Stepping Out Of My Comfort Zone

The new job, new staff and travel.....yes I said travel. In my job interview, I was told that traveling would be involved. I said no problem!! I thought.....what are the chances I would really have to go anywhere??? Before I knew it....I was booked for 2 trips to Maine within a 3 weeks period. I am not a big fan of flying but driving 15 hours is not that appealing either.

I have never traveled alone. Some of the entries that follow will make it clearer why I do not like to travel or why I am uncomfortable with traveling. I have a pretty simple life over which I had all the control (at least I like to believe I do). Any one who knows me well knows I in almost all situations MUST be the driver. My routine/schedule is very predictable. The time I get up, the time I go to work, the time I get to the gym, what I bring for real variations. I am very comfortable with this routine.....then I suddenly find myself walking into an airport to go somewhere I have never been before to spend a week with people I have never met.

Stepping out of my comfort zone.....that's putting it mildly.....

1 comment:

  1. You would have driven if you had walkie talkies and signs that said "poopy" in the window.
