Sunday, September 25, 2011

I Have To Go To Terminal What and It's Where??

I have a suggestion for the airlines......if I am flying United.....why can't all the United flights be at the same terminal???? On my flight from Philly to Portland on the same airlines as my flight from Columbia to Philly......why do I have to hike to another terminal. Or worse, when I had to switch planes in Washington DC (Dulles).....why in God's name would I have to take 2 people movers, approximately 8 escalators and a train to get to my next flight......

Who plans someone sitting behind a camera this person try to get to their next flight.....and laughing.

Trust me the Dulles Airport thing was not was exhausting. I had to climb out of the plane in the rain, walk on the tarmac in the rain.....climb another set of wet steel the rain. Then I was told it was a 15 minute walk.....yeah right. There was a 15 minute walk in addition to the people movers, escalators and the train. It took about 25 minutes. I wasn't sure if I was wet from the rain or sweat.

By the time I got to my gate.....I was a mess......I thought I would cry. Of course, then my flight was delayed. And these are supposed to be the friendly skies????

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