Monday, September 5, 2011

Twice With The Trainer In A Week

Last week, I met with Carol, my trainer twice. I think the twice a week is a good part of the jump start I am looking for.... Each session included weights, steps and more. Lifting weights over my head over and over is funny how 2.5 pound weights can feel like 50 pounds!!! It was also hard to make sure your arms are straight up in the air. My arms started to shake and it was a battle to keep holding them up. On Tuesday, I decided I would try not to take a break or sit down once during my workout. I had to battle to keep moving. I would lean on the weight bench and stretch against some of the excercise machines. Carol finally asked if I was OK or was my back hurting? I told her what I was trying to do. She looked and me like I was crazy and said "When you decide to try something new.....I need to know." She said she was trying to figure out what was wrong with me. Carol said, "From now on you need to let me know when you get a brainstorm to try something new!!" LOL.... On Thursday when we met she said "anything new you are trying today that I need to know about??" I told her no this would be a regular workout. The one thing I did find entertaining was as I was breathing out......the sweat running down my face would shoot out in the air as I exhaled. I don't know why I found this amusing but I did.... Oh and by the idea to not stop the whole workout.......I didn't make it.......I lasted 25 I still have a way to go.....but my norm was to take a break every 10 minutes so this was a big stretch for me....... Why is it important that I get to a point that I do not take a break my whole workout......I don't know.....just a new goal and would make me feel more normal......I have never wanted to just be one of the group so bad as I do now.......kind of like in is much nicer to just blend in....

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