Saturday, September 10, 2011

My Aching Back....

As I have said in previous posts, I am very busy at work. Many times I get so engrossed in my reports that I forget about the time. The problem with this is .....I end up sitting too long. There were several days last week where I had been seated at my desk for 4-5 hours. This is not good for my back.

While I was working out I told Carol my lower back was aching. She had me do stretches and squats. When I told her how much time I spent sitting she told me I need to get up and move every couple of hours. She also suggested I sit in a recliner and put my hands behind one leg and lift it and then the other leg. She said this would help stretch out my back. OK....I haven't done that yet but I did raise the height of my chair.....I got up every 2 hours and took a walk. I worked out in the pool today for the first time in a while.....the water felt great and my back didn't ache....

New plans......get up and walk every 2 hours.....stand up and stretch....don't slouch in my chair....a lot to remember.....oh and make sure I don't go all day without eating.....with all of this to think about.....when will I have time to work????

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