Sunday, September 25, 2011

My Biggest Travel Fear

I will now reveal my biggest flying fear.....

Will I be able to fit in the little airplane seat??? Do you know how difficult that is to admit?? I have read about airlines that charge people of size (oh how I hate that phrase) for 2 seats. I was so afraid that I would be singled out and told I had to pay for 2 seats. How would I explain this to my employer? For most people....this never crosses their minds. For was all I could think about.....I was paralyzed with fear.

Imagine my relief when my butt fit in the seat!!!!! I am not going to say it wasn't a little was..... but I did not overhang into my neighbors space. I did not have to move the arm rest for additional space either.

At least when I travel next week, I will have one less thing to worry that I know I can fit in the seat.....I need to work at have a little extra room to spare......

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