Sunday, September 25, 2011

I Need To Sleep

I am a restless sleeper. Most nights I sleep in my recliner. It is comfy, tilts back and lulls me into a fit full slumber. Last week, I spent 4 nights in a bed at a hotel. A nice big king size bed. The most I slept was 2 hours in a row and then I would wake up. I walked from one side of the bed to the other, I rearranged the pillows a zillion times, I even tried sleeping in the chair in the room.....still no rest. By the 6:30 wake up call.....I had gotten a few hours sleep but it was not very restful.

It was wonderful to get home to my recliner and have 6-7 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Next week, I have to spend 2 nights in a hotel....I know I can handle it because on night 3 I am back in my recliner.....nice and comfy.....

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