Monday, September 5, 2011

Some Interesting Weight Loss Tools

I was off today for Labor Day. I watched Dr. Oz and he had some really cool weight loss ideas that I had never thought of....

First, he had something like a pedometer but instead it shows how many calories you burn during the day. If there is a long period of inactivity it vibrates and turns red. I think that is something that would work for me better than how many steps I take a day.

Second, a scale that does not display your weight. It takes an initial reading of your weight and after that it just shows if you are up or down and by how much. It takes the stress out of the "number" but keeps you on track as far as where you are at.

Next, is something to manage portions. This is shaped like a dish and when you remove it from the plate all your foods are on the plate in their proper amount. You have a slot for you veggies, starches, carbs and protein. This would definitely help me with portion control.

The last thing was a jump rope. The cool part is there was no rope to trip over. There were handles and some kind of electronic device so when you turned the handle and jumped it kept track of your activity. For someone clumsy like me this is a dream device.

I will be looking into which of these I want to purchase......I will let you know which I get and how it goes.......but they all sound like viable options.......

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