Saturday, September 10, 2011

Run, Walk and Don't Look Back

Run when you can, walk when you have to, crawl if you must, just never give up...If someone is strong enough to bring you down, show them you're strong enough to get back up...Don't regret the past, just learn from it........another great quote from an unknown source

I should make this my mantra....I feel like I have crawled......I think I have shown that I am strong enough to get up when someone has knocked me down mentally....I know I have learned from my past.

The workouts at the gym have been my crawling.....just walking in the door of the gym. My baby steps were actually getting out on the gym floor to work out. Now I work out with Carol 2 days a week.......that is a major leap.

The mental cruelty of others......I have survived the stares, snickers and the cruel remarks. Sometimes these are much harder to bounce back from.....they don't go away. It can be physically painful at times to know you are being made fun of, laughed about or subject to remarks that intended to hurt. I am not strong enough to always escape without tears. The mental abuse may be even more painful than physical abuse.....mental scars don't fade in a few weeks......they can last a lifetime.

I work hard to battle my demons......I am in a better place then I was a few years ago both physically and mentally.....I have learned to laugh at myself and allow others to join in that laughter but that is different from being laughed at by people who think they are better than me.....

I am not perfect......never said I was.....but I am getting better each day and that is all that matters....

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