Monday, September 5, 2011

Just because you don't win....

You're in a lion fight just because you didn't win doesn't mean you can't roar....

I am learning to fight ......for me. I am learning to roar......Ok maybe not roar but celebrate each little victory.....everyday. I have always felt each day was a gift........any day I wake up.....I am ahead of the game. Just because I am not winning the battles I fight as quickly as I would like doesn't mean they won't intimately be won. I know that each choice I have made in the last year has added days to my life. Those days turn into weeks, months and years......what better fight could I win.

I am standing in the middle of the boxing ring.......I think I can last all 15 rounds and win the victory that I so desire.....I will raise my clenched hands over my head in victory .......and yes I will roar!!!!!!!!!!!

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