Monday, September 5, 2011

It All About Attitude

I was in Publix last week and had three unusual things happen.

First, I was checking out and the cashier was very cheerful. She said "I love the design on the side of your glasses". I had forgottten there even was a design on the side of my eye glasses. I thanked her and moved on. Jenn was behind me in line. I heard the cashier say to her "that looks like a fun order". Jenn had Lifesavers and a few other things. Jenn agreed with the cashier.

Next, Steve from the bakery dept., he knows Jenn likes a certain kind of muffins. None of her muffins were in the case. Steve saw Jenn and said "I will go get them and find you in the store". LOL.....he came and found her in the store and gave her the muffins.

Finally, the deli manager, Tony......Jenn and I were back looking at meat and Tony came over. He said,"What are you doing here's not Friday night?" I told him this was just a quick trip to get a few things. He told us he was being transferred to a different store. He said Publix does this every few years with their managers. I told him we would stop by to see him at his new location. Here is the amazing part......he gave me a Thank You card. he said he was giving them to his regular customers.....can you believe that???? WOW about customer service.

The message I got loud and clear was these people have great attitudes, love what they do and are the true meaning of customer service. I am going to try and follow their my job they ask us to WOW our customers.....that is exactly what happened to me at Publix.

I need to learn from these three individuals......I have a lot to thank you to the cashier (whose name I did not get), Steve and are all amazing!!!!

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