Sunday, December 26, 2010

Not perfect but so much better than last Christmas

I am not going to lie to you. I have not been perfect in the eating department since Wednesday. I have been allowing myself some treats. A few cookies here and there, sauce on the tortellini and a few other goodies.

DO NOT PANIC !!!! I have invested way too much of my time and brain power into the last 12 months.....I will not blow it now.

Real life happens and I don't have to be a martyr. I can enjoy the tastes of the holidays and not go backwards. At Thanksgiving, I allowed myself to enjoy the day. The next day, I got right back on track and lost another 7 pounds before Christmas.

I am VERY aware of everything I put on my mouth. I am looking forward to the holidays drawing to a close. Hitting the doldrums of January makes it easier not to stray....not as many choices to turn away.

Considering the craziness of my life these last few weeks....getting ready for the holidays, Mom coming to visit, the flooding of half my house and a lot going on at work has made for some challenges. The old Donna might have used this as an excuse to make poor choices in the food dept but not the new Donna.

I am proud of the way I have handled the holidays and all the other nonsense. I already have training sessions scheduled for Monday and Thursday of this week. I am finding new ways to handle the stress.

Is feels good to be growing....not my weight.....but my ability to find options that work with my desire to get healthier. Each day is like a baby step, now I am learning to walk on my own.......not always firm footing but with each stride feeling stronger and more confident.

On to 2011..... if it is half as good for me personally as 2010, it will be a great year. I can't wait to see how I look and feel 12 months from now. Here I go.....

Getting Up Off The Floor

OK, once again I opened my mouth and Carol heard what I said. We were talking about people having difficulty getting up from the floor after exercising. Since I fell a few years ago not only did I break my arm but caused permanent damage to the nerves in my right knee (yes, this was confirmed by both my family practitioner and an orthopedist). I am not making this up!!! If you have been following this blog, you know I do not make things fact, I usually go the other way and say way too much that is honest.

Anyway back to the floor. As we discussed the difficulty people may have getting up from the floor (did I mention one of my leg is shorter than the other which also adds to the difficulty and makes it appear I sometimes walk with a limp). I told Carol that I can get off the floor is there is something to grab on to like a chair, bench, railing, etc.... But to just get up on my own.....can't really do it.

As the words were coming out of my mouth, I could see the gleam in her eyes. A NEW CHALLENGE !!!! It reminds me of when I told her I wanted to work on climbing stairs. You know stair/step work has now become part of my regular routine at the gym.

So look forward to posts about me trying to get up off the floor after exercising.....when oh when will I learn to keep these thoughts to knees are shaking already.....

I feel like I have spent much of my adult like being knocked down by my own lack of self confidence and self esteem or by words from others, intentional or unintentional....I guess it is time I learned to get up and dust myself off all under my own willpower.....

And a partridge in a pear tree.....

Who would think that I would get excited about some of the Christmas presents I received this year...

1. a Weight Watchers Food Scale
2. Weight Watchers work out weighted gloves
3. a water aerobics shirt to keep warm in the pool
4. the Magic Bullet- to use for some new food adventures
6. the Biggest Loser calorie counter guide (this will help me with the WW new Points Plus program)

These are all items I wanted. They will become part of my New Year resolutions to workout harder and experiment more with healthy foods. I am sssooo excited to begin using them.

Those of you who know me well know I have to mentally prepare for change, so I am giving myself this week to wrap my head around these presents. Jan 1st, they become part of my daily ifs, ands or buts !!!!!!

Additional time...


Since there were some weeks when I couldn't get a training session in..... Carol is having my contract extended through April. I feel like I have gotten an extra Christmas present !!!

The extra months gives me time to save up money to continue my sessions with Carol through all of 2011. Our time together is not only about the workouts but are also counseling/advice sessions. Carol makes suggestions and give me pointers. I also feel very comfortable sharing my concerns and goals with her. She has become more than a trainer.....I consider her a good friend. I share things with her that I wouldn't say to a lot of people. I am very lucky I was matched with her last January.

I know that as I make progress she is already thinking ahead to what new challenge I should face. That's a good trainer....she encourages and pushes me. The positive feedback boost my confidence and morale.

Knowing in 2011 we will build on the foundation we have laid this year makes next year one of excitement. I can't wait....

Christmas Eve Work Out At The Gym

I met with my trainer, Carol, at the gym on Christmas Eve morning. I wanted to get at least one more workout in before the holiday.

WOW.....a year ago I wouldn't have worried about trying to get on more training session in but that is how my life has changed in a year. I worked hard and was sweating a lot when we were finished. We spent a few minutes talking about my progress in the last year.

Carol talked about how we started in the Yoga room by ourselves with me just walking back and forth carrying weights. Move ahead 11 months and here I am doing the stepper, dead lifts, squats, water aerobics, elliptical and a variety of other things I didn't think were possible. Along with some weight loss (not hitting my personal goal but that is OK) I know I am one the right path and will continue into 2011.

Last year, I headed into the holidays knowing I had to make some changes or else (not going to say what the or else was....don't want to go there). This year, I have headed into the holidays with HOPE and the belief that I CAN ......

Can do what? Not to sound cocky but whatever I want to....I believe in me and that is all that really matters !!!!!

So How Is the NEW Weight Watchers Program Working?

I am writing and writing and writing everything I eat. It sure does take a lot of work !!! Week 2 of trying to make the writing of ALL foods I eat a part of my daily life. So far I haven't missed a day. I feel really good about the new program and points. Now I see a recipe and whip out my new calculator to see if it is worth the points. There are definitely times when I say NO WAY I am wasting points on this or that....

I have even been able to fit in an occasional Christmas cookie....yes I used the singular form.....cookie....not cookies. I even made the conscious decision to not make my favorite holiday cookie....Walnut Slices. Since no one else in the house likes them or can eat them (due to allergies), I would be the only one eating them and that would just be setting up myself for disaster. Those cookies have a way of calling my name !!!!

I even did something more surprising......I threw away a pumpkin pie. I bought it with the intention of eating just one would have been 9 points. Which I could have had using the bonus points.....I kept saying maybe tomorrow, maybe tomorrow....well guess what?? Tomorrow didn't I pitched it. Major change.....not something I would have done in the past.

This may be a no brainer for some but for me.....a small change that can make for a huge difference overall......

OH BTW.....week 2....another good loss at the scale.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Is Moving Furniture Considered A Workout??

I may not have gone to the gym but I definitely had a workout yesterday.....

Emptying 3 closets and one bedroom in a short period of time is definitely a workout. Lifting, dragging, carrying.....reminds me of the gym.

I was tired when it was all said and done. Knowing next week or the week after I will have to do the return trip thrills me beyond belief.......NOT.

Tomorrow I am going to the least at the gym I can get away from the the lovely view of my living room........

So sad I am looking forward to going to the gym so I can get away from my chaotic house.....

I don't do well with clutter especially when it is sitting in the middle of my living room......

Wonder if I should create a DVD.....Moving Like You Are Moving ...Furniture that is.....picture me lugging things across the screen...lamps, tables, TV's, boxes.....LOL......did you ever see the episode of I Love Lucy where Fred starts out carrying a plant across the stage? He keeps going back and forth and the plant gets larger and larger until he is carrying a palm tree. Maybe I can start by carrying something small like a ring box and by the end a dresser......might be pretty funny.....well at least to me.....after the last 2 days my sense of humor may be the only thing keeping me from losing not just weight but my mind......

So Who Said Vacation Had To Be Fun....

Monday was officially Day 1 of my vacation.....time for R&R. Yeah right !!! Not a chance......

You know the day is not going to go well when the first words you hear are "Donna, there is water in the hallway". As you awake from the sound sleep you try to understand the words and the wake up and think "What the hell is water doing in the hallway???" Not just the hallway.....the bathroom, laundry room, three closets, a bedroom, the living room and it was running out of the house and across the path in front of the house. Next thing I can remember is standing in the bathroom with a lot of water and trying to figure out.....WHAT DO I DO??? So I drive to Lowe's at 6:30 and they are not open yet.....need to get a wet and dry vac fast. I call my brother -in-law who suggests I call my insurance company. I call the claims line and that gets the balls rolling......

By 9:00, I have water removal people here tearing up carpeting and padding, baseboards and vinyl flooring. All the closets have been emptied into the middle of the living room and the contents of one bedroom are in my bedroom. My hutch is now in the center of my living room.....uugghh.....

There are 9 fans and dehumidifiers spread out throughout the house. It sounds like an airplane hanger and it is cold in the house. The cost $1,000 for my deductable.......sigh.....

6:00 PM, the contractor shows up and tells us what will be happening in the next few days and weeks.......I am getting a headache...

Flooring man will be here in the morning.....carpenter Monday at 11.....water removal company to check in daily......get back to contractor with any questions and issues.......

Day over !!

Get up and get ready for floor man. Take shower. Get out of shower to water on floor in bathroom. Not the same bathroom that caused the headaches yesterday......

Flush the toilet and water comes up through the floor around the toilet.

Call the contractor to see what plumber he will be using in my house next week. Uh plumbers who can come today because of so many frozen water lines due to the unusually cold weather in SC. Figures I have water problems when it is 18 degrees !!!! The contractor knows our dilemma and says he will get us a new toilet and install it himself today. Thanks goodness !!!

4:00......Bob, Mom, Jenn and I stand in the bathroom and admire the new porcelain throne. Had pathetic !!!!!

So here is the total.....

water damage.......who knows how much $$$$
money spent so far $1400
one working toilet.....priceless

.........can't wait to see what happens tomorrow......oh maybe I shouldn't have said that.....stay tuned......

Sunday, December 12, 2010

OMG It Is Cold In The Pool....

I went to water aerobics twice last week. The pool temp was 84 degrees which would be fine except outside it was much cooler. Any time the workout slowed down I was getting chills. A few times the instructor had me jogging or doing cross country skiing to warm up. She suggested I get a water vest to keep warm. As much as I dread wearing my bathing suit now I am going to add a vest.....I am sure this will look just lovely. She also suggested water shoes for better traction when I jog in the pool. OK vest and shoes in my bathing suit....better not be any cell phone camera's for this sight.....

I also have a problem breathing correctly to make my laps more efficient. I have seen some people use something like a snorkel and goggles. I might look into them and see how I so swimming laps.

So picture me water vest, water shoes, snorkel and goggles......LOL.

I guess this is the price I have to pay to get to a healthier me but dear God couldn't I do it without having to look like a jackass.

Oh well, laugh if you choose....I will have the last laugh when who knows when....does it really matter???

If You Bite It You Must Write It....

As I said in a previous post Weight Watchers has revised their program. This means looking up everything and I mean EVERYTHING I eat. One night we had ravioli's and meat balls for dinner. I calculated the calories.....13 small round ravioli's were 6 points, 1/2 cup of sauce was 2 points and 6 small meatballs were 9 points. I decided 6 smalls meatballs weren't worth 9 points so I ate 4 instead and it was 6 points. Still a nice filling meal for 14 points....not too bad. I have been very diligent about writing down everything I eat. Usually, I spend about 15 minutes in the morning calculating what I am going to eat that day, This involves planning. I do try and switch things up. I also figure in what I am having for dinner. At the end of the day, I add back the points I didn't eat during the day but had written in my journal and that gives me a little more flexibility in the evening.

The difference is writing every bite.....

I used to not take into consideration the 1/2 slice of cheese I would eat while making lunch or that occasional I do. It has been very interesting....14 french fries equal 6 points.....98% fat free hot dogs are 1 point each. Fruit and veggies for the most part are 0 points but like they said at the meeting that doesn't mean you eat 10 banana's in a day. The hard part is things like my vitatops and 100 calorie coffee cake treats are now 3 points which makes me think twice before having them.

Yesterday, I has breakfast at Cracker Barrel for 15 points. Now that may sound like a lot of points but it wasn't when you consider I didn't eat anything else until dinner......which was WW lasagna. For breakfast I had grits, 2 turkey sausage, 2 eggs over easy (I even asked to have them made with cooking spray vs. butter- another first for me) and even had hash brown casserole.....that's a lot of food and kept me full until dinner.

So the revised program is a challenge and some work but that's has helped me refocus. Week 2 here I come......

Monday, December 6, 2010

Why Can't Size _ Be Size _ In All Clothes ??

I saw a pretty shirt in a catalog. I ordered it in the size I am now wearing.......guess what.... I got it over my head, past my shoulders, even over the girls and then it stopped. It was a very fitted top. When we got near my waist and hips I could tell there was no way the shirt was going to complete its journey......oh well....

I returned the shirt, I could have ordered it in a larger size but then decided I didn't like the DAMN shirt. OK how is that for rational thinking .....duh??

In all honestly, the shirt turned out to be sheer and I would have had to wear a tank top underneath it (have I chased away all the men who read my blog.....LOL)..... dear Lord I am no way ready to wear 2 shirts at once.....

The problem with the range of fit in each size is a universal problem whether you are a size 6 or a size _ (you didn't think I would really put my size did you????)

I have to pick clothes that work with my body type. Where I am not ready for very form fitting clothes.....I am starting to lean towards brighter and bolder colors.....a la Lanie Kazan....I love that she is not a small person but yet she finds vibrant prints and her clothes make a statement.

As I move down in size ( note I did not say if I move down)....I may be able to go for more form fitting clothes but until that time.....I will go with a style I feel good in....just adding some color and designs vs. my normal solid color tops.....I will not...I repeat....will never wear slacks with bold matter how good I might look there are limits to what I would wear.....

Me in any kind of print funny.....don't want to go there visually.....LOL.....I won't even wear underwear with print designs......LMAO......ok that last statement should have driven everyone away from this anyone out there??????

The New Program

Weight Watchers has started a new program....Points Plus. I am very excited about the change. I feel it is the jump start I need. Daily point allowances have changed. Point values on many foods have changed. Now we don't just look at fat and fiber....carb's and protein are now included in the point values. I also have to watch the sugar and sodium, too. Something that may have had a point value of 1 may now have a value of 3. This is forcing me to go back to the basics. I had to get a new points calculator, dining out guide and complete food guide.

I am also committing myself to keeping up my food journal......this is always hard for me. I do it for a week or two and then slip back to not writing it all down. Since the point values have changed, I have to keep looking the foods up so I might as well write them down.

Today, I had lunch at Moe's.....with the dining guide I was able to calculate my lunch with no problem. Tomorrow, when I go back to work it will be a new challenge....I guess I will try writing my plans for eating for the day and the change it as needed. I will have to see how it goes.

The great new change is that most vegetables and fruits are zero or minimal points. I think that will make the plan interesting for me. I can start to use my new vegetable steamer (see the recent entry....another birthday).

I have had a good year....not great but definitely year will be even better.....trying more new things.....learning more about me and what foods work best for me.....

I am more afraid to commit to writing my food journal than I was to committing to the gym....I wonder why.....maybe I just don't want to fail at things any more.....

Nothing wrong with that.....

PS I was down at the that statement in itself shows how I have changed....usually I would have started with whether or not I was up or down at the I end with it......maybe because it is not all about the scale......but it definitely is all about me !!!!!

What Do I Have To Complain About....

We all have times when we feel sorry for ourselves. Then life smacks us in the face and we realize that for the most is good.

Last week was one of those weeks, I watched a dear friend deal with tough decisions. She was courageous, loyal and unselfish. Her choices were difficult. And while her world was spinning out of control what did she do ? .....she gave me my birthday present....

I felt a range of emotions....admiration, awe and also some guilt.

No one has a Norman Rockwell least no one I know. But to see someone going through such a nightmare and have them take the time to think about me made me feel a little foolish. I need to say the gift was great but I left her house thinking about the things I complain about.

It has been said that everything is relative to our own lives. My complaints or negative feelings are valid my life..... but then you look at others who have been tested and it makes me want to say....Donna shut really have nothing to complain the scheme of things my issues are small potato's....

I know that the way life works in a few days or weeks I will go back to focusing on the things I feel are issues in my own life.....that is just human hope the feeling you have experienced while watching someone face all that life can throw at her with grace and love....will not fade.....but I know they will.

My hope is that somewhere I will store the lessons I have observed and maybe complain just a little less.

Thanks Mary for being such a great teacher......

Black Friday

Up at 3:00 AM on Black Target by 4:00 AM. The line for the electronics department is sssssooooo long. I really wanted the flip cam.....originally price $98.....on sale for $49.

How long did I stand in that line you may ask........

2 flippin' hours !!!!!!

Yes, I wanted the camera but not that bad. It became a game for me or should I say a challenge...I wanted to see how long I could stand.....OK I did have a shopping cart to lean on. I used it while I balanced on one leg then the other. I did squats right there in the aisle of Target. I stood on my toes and on my heels. I stretched my arms forward and stood on one leg using the cart as my stabilizer.

There is no way I could have done this a year ago. By the time I left the store a little after 6AM, my knees ached and I felt like they might lock up.

It was a good ache though......

I may have walked stiffly to the car but the Donna inside me.....definitely walked with a real spring in her step......she might have even clicked her heels as she jumped in the air......

Another birthday....

Instead of wasting a post about the person who forgot my birthday again......I will write about those that remembered.

Jenn made me stay up until midnight so she could give me her gift. It was something I had mentioned a long time ago.....a rice and vegetable steamer. I love it !!!! Something else to learn to use in the New Year !!!! I can picture those veggies and rice....yum!!

I also received lots of calls and birthday wishes. Some great gifts followed a new shawl (to add to my growing and varied collection), a bottle of wine and a pendant that is a flip flop with a palmetto tree on it.

At work, I was greeted with balloons, banners and confetti. Wonder how they remembered......maybe it was my subtle hints for the last 2 months.....LOL. My team also gave me a book called "It's All About You".....very appropriate,

There was a birthday breakfast at work and a dinner with Jenn and good friends to end the day.

I am blessed to have such special people in my life !!!!!

My glass is half full..... my heart and head are grateful to the people who remembered November 24th is my birthday.......and to the person who forgot again.....

Oh why waste my energy on the negative......that is not the way I am heading.....

A Step From Home....

I was lucky enough to get something I really wanted for my birthday. I was given a stepper with 2 risers. Now on the days I don't go to the gym I can work on steps from home. In the New Year, I plan on doing some type of workout everyday. The stepper will help me achieve that goal.

Up and down, down and up.....I can burn extra calories right in my living room !!!!!!

Why am I not starting now? I am trying to maintain and maybe lose a little throughout the holidays. The next few weeks will be hectic and I don't want to set myself up to fail. The New Year is just a few short weeks away.......

If there is one thing I have learned about myself this year it is I need to mentally prepare for any changes or goals I set out to achieve.

Don't worry....the stepper will not sit idle for the way I have made the gym a part of my will the stepper.