Sunday, December 26, 2010

And a partridge in a pear tree.....

Who would think that I would get excited about some of the Christmas presents I received this year...

1. a Weight Watchers Food Scale
2. Weight Watchers work out weighted gloves
3. a water aerobics shirt to keep warm in the pool
4. the Magic Bullet- to use for some new food adventures
6. the Biggest Loser calorie counter guide (this will help me with the WW new Points Plus program)

These are all items I wanted. They will become part of my New Year resolutions to workout harder and experiment more with healthy foods. I am sssooo excited to begin using them.

Those of you who know me well know I have to mentally prepare for change, so I am giving myself this week to wrap my head around these presents. Jan 1st, they become part of my daily ifs, ands or buts !!!!!!

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