Monday, December 6, 2010

Another birthday....

Instead of wasting a post about the person who forgot my birthday again......I will write about those that remembered.

Jenn made me stay up until midnight so she could give me her gift. It was something I had mentioned a long time ago.....a rice and vegetable steamer. I love it !!!! Something else to learn to use in the New Year !!!! I can picture those veggies and rice....yum!!

I also received lots of calls and birthday wishes. Some great gifts followed a new shawl (to add to my growing and varied collection), a bottle of wine and a pendant that is a flip flop with a palmetto tree on it.

At work, I was greeted with balloons, banners and confetti. Wonder how they remembered......maybe it was my subtle hints for the last 2 months.....LOL. My team also gave me a book called "It's All About You".....very appropriate,

There was a birthday breakfast at work and a dinner with Jenn and good friends to end the day.

I am blessed to have such special people in my life !!!!!

My glass is half full..... my heart and head are grateful to the people who remembered November 24th is my birthday.......and to the person who forgot again.....

Oh why waste my energy on the negative......that is not the way I am heading.....

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