Sunday, December 26, 2010

Not perfect but so much better than last Christmas

I am not going to lie to you. I have not been perfect in the eating department since Wednesday. I have been allowing myself some treats. A few cookies here and there, sauce on the tortellini and a few other goodies.

DO NOT PANIC !!!! I have invested way too much of my time and brain power into the last 12 months.....I will not blow it now.

Real life happens and I don't have to be a martyr. I can enjoy the tastes of the holidays and not go backwards. At Thanksgiving, I allowed myself to enjoy the day. The next day, I got right back on track and lost another 7 pounds before Christmas.

I am VERY aware of everything I put on my mouth. I am looking forward to the holidays drawing to a close. Hitting the doldrums of January makes it easier not to stray....not as many choices to turn away.

Considering the craziness of my life these last few weeks....getting ready for the holidays, Mom coming to visit, the flooding of half my house and a lot going on at work has made for some challenges. The old Donna might have used this as an excuse to make poor choices in the food dept but not the new Donna.

I am proud of the way I have handled the holidays and all the other nonsense. I already have training sessions scheduled for Monday and Thursday of this week. I am finding new ways to handle the stress.

Is feels good to be growing....not my weight.....but my ability to find options that work with my desire to get healthier. Each day is like a baby step, now I am learning to walk on my own.......not always firm footing but with each stride feeling stronger and more confident.

On to 2011..... if it is half as good for me personally as 2010, it will be a great year. I can't wait to see how I look and feel 12 months from now. Here I go.....

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