Monday, December 6, 2010

What Do I Have To Complain About....

We all have times when we feel sorry for ourselves. Then life smacks us in the face and we realize that for the most is good.

Last week was one of those weeks, I watched a dear friend deal with tough decisions. She was courageous, loyal and unselfish. Her choices were difficult. And while her world was spinning out of control what did she do ? .....she gave me my birthday present....

I felt a range of emotions....admiration, awe and also some guilt.

No one has a Norman Rockwell least no one I know. But to see someone going through such a nightmare and have them take the time to think about me made me feel a little foolish. I need to say the gift was great but I left her house thinking about the things I complain about.

It has been said that everything is relative to our own lives. My complaints or negative feelings are valid my life..... but then you look at others who have been tested and it makes me want to say....Donna shut really have nothing to complain the scheme of things my issues are small potato's....

I know that the way life works in a few days or weeks I will go back to focusing on the things I feel are issues in my own life.....that is just human hope the feeling you have experienced while watching someone face all that life can throw at her with grace and love....will not fade.....but I know they will.

My hope is that somewhere I will store the lessons I have observed and maybe complain just a little less.

Thanks Mary for being such a great teacher......

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