Tuesday, December 14, 2010

So Who Said Vacation Had To Be Fun....

Monday was officially Day 1 of my vacation.....time for R&R. Yeah right !!! Not a chance......

You know the day is not going to go well when the first words you hear are "Donna, there is water in the hallway". As you awake from the sound sleep you try to understand the words and the wake up and think "What the hell is water doing in the hallway???" Not just the hallway.....the bathroom, laundry room, three closets, a bedroom, the living room and it was running out of the house and across the path in front of the house. Next thing I can remember is standing in the bathroom with a lot of water and trying to figure out.....WHAT DO I DO??? So I drive to Lowe's at 6:30 and they are not open yet.....need to get a wet and dry vac fast. I call my brother -in-law who suggests I call my insurance company. I call the claims line and that gets the balls rolling......

By 9:00, I have water removal people here tearing up carpeting and padding, baseboards and vinyl flooring. All the closets have been emptied into the middle of the living room and the contents of one bedroom are in my bedroom. My hutch is now in the center of my living room.....uugghh.....

There are 9 fans and dehumidifiers spread out throughout the house. It sounds like an airplane hanger and it is cold in the house. The cost $1,000 for my deductable.......sigh.....

6:00 PM, the contractor shows up and tells us what will be happening in the next few days and weeks.......I am getting a headache...

Flooring man will be here in the morning.....carpenter Monday at 11.....water removal company to check in daily......get back to contractor with any questions and issues.......

Day over !!

Get up and get ready for floor man. Take shower. Get out of shower to water on floor in bathroom. Not the same bathroom that caused the headaches yesterday......

Flush the toilet and water comes up through the floor around the toilet.

Call the contractor to see what plumber he will be using in my house next week. Uh oh....no plumbers who can come today because of so many frozen water lines due to the unusually cold weather in SC. Figures I have water problems when it is 18 degrees !!!! The contractor knows our dilemma and says he will get us a new toilet and install it himself today. Thanks goodness !!!

4:00......Bob, Mom, Jenn and I stand in the bathroom and admire the new porcelain throne. Had pathetic !!!!!

So here is the total.....

water damage.......who knows how much $$$$
money spent so far $1400
one working toilet.....priceless

.........can't wait to see what happens tomorrow......oh maybe I shouldn't have said that.....stay tuned......

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