Sunday, December 26, 2010

Getting Up Off The Floor

OK, once again I opened my mouth and Carol heard what I said. We were talking about people having difficulty getting up from the floor after exercising. Since I fell a few years ago not only did I break my arm but caused permanent damage to the nerves in my right knee (yes, this was confirmed by both my family practitioner and an orthopedist). I am not making this up!!! If you have been following this blog, you know I do not make things fact, I usually go the other way and say way too much that is honest.

Anyway back to the floor. As we discussed the difficulty people may have getting up from the floor (did I mention one of my leg is shorter than the other which also adds to the difficulty and makes it appear I sometimes walk with a limp). I told Carol that I can get off the floor is there is something to grab on to like a chair, bench, railing, etc.... But to just get up on my own.....can't really do it.

As the words were coming out of my mouth, I could see the gleam in her eyes. A NEW CHALLENGE !!!! It reminds me of when I told her I wanted to work on climbing stairs. You know stair/step work has now become part of my regular routine at the gym.

So look forward to posts about me trying to get up off the floor after exercising.....when oh when will I learn to keep these thoughts to knees are shaking already.....

I feel like I have spent much of my adult like being knocked down by my own lack of self confidence and self esteem or by words from others, intentional or unintentional....I guess it is time I learned to get up and dust myself off all under my own willpower.....

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