Sunday, December 26, 2010

Additional time...


Since there were some weeks when I couldn't get a training session in..... Carol is having my contract extended through April. I feel like I have gotten an extra Christmas present !!!

The extra months gives me time to save up money to continue my sessions with Carol through all of 2011. Our time together is not only about the workouts but are also counseling/advice sessions. Carol makes suggestions and give me pointers. I also feel very comfortable sharing my concerns and goals with her. She has become more than a trainer.....I consider her a good friend. I share things with her that I wouldn't say to a lot of people. I am very lucky I was matched with her last January.

I know that as I make progress she is already thinking ahead to what new challenge I should face. That's a good trainer....she encourages and pushes me. The positive feedback boost my confidence and morale.

Knowing in 2011 we will build on the foundation we have laid this year makes next year one of excitement. I can't wait....

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