Sunday, December 12, 2010

OMG It Is Cold In The Pool....

I went to water aerobics twice last week. The pool temp was 84 degrees which would be fine except outside it was much cooler. Any time the workout slowed down I was getting chills. A few times the instructor had me jogging or doing cross country skiing to warm up. She suggested I get a water vest to keep warm. As much as I dread wearing my bathing suit now I am going to add a vest.....I am sure this will look just lovely. She also suggested water shoes for better traction when I jog in the pool. OK vest and shoes in my bathing suit....better not be any cell phone camera's for this sight.....

I also have a problem breathing correctly to make my laps more efficient. I have seen some people use something like a snorkel and goggles. I might look into them and see how I so swimming laps.

So picture me water vest, water shoes, snorkel and goggles......LOL.

I guess this is the price I have to pay to get to a healthier me but dear God couldn't I do it without having to look like a jackass.

Oh well, laugh if you choose....I will have the last laugh when who knows when....does it really matter???

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