Monday, December 6, 2010

The New Program

Weight Watchers has started a new program....Points Plus. I am very excited about the change. I feel it is the jump start I need. Daily point allowances have changed. Point values on many foods have changed. Now we don't just look at fat and fiber....carb's and protein are now included in the point values. I also have to watch the sugar and sodium, too. Something that may have had a point value of 1 may now have a value of 3. This is forcing me to go back to the basics. I had to get a new points calculator, dining out guide and complete food guide.

I am also committing myself to keeping up my food journal......this is always hard for me. I do it for a week or two and then slip back to not writing it all down. Since the point values have changed, I have to keep looking the foods up so I might as well write them down.

Today, I had lunch at Moe's.....with the dining guide I was able to calculate my lunch with no problem. Tomorrow, when I go back to work it will be a new challenge....I guess I will try writing my plans for eating for the day and the change it as needed. I will have to see how it goes.

The great new change is that most vegetables and fruits are zero or minimal points. I think that will make the plan interesting for me. I can start to use my new vegetable steamer (see the recent entry....another birthday).

I have had a good year....not great but definitely year will be even better.....trying more new things.....learning more about me and what foods work best for me.....

I am more afraid to commit to writing my food journal than I was to committing to the gym....I wonder why.....maybe I just don't want to fail at things any more.....

Nothing wrong with that.....

PS I was down at the that statement in itself shows how I have changed....usually I would have started with whether or not I was up or down at the I end with it......maybe because it is not all about the scale......but it definitely is all about me !!!!!

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